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MSE walls as bridge abutments: Optimal reinforcement density


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Geosynthetics have become a common means of soil reinforcement in earth retention structures; however, the efficacy of its application can be enhanced dependent on use. Geosynthetic design often involves uniform spacing of reinforcements throughout a retaining structure. However, optimization of reinforcement spacing can have a significant impact on stability, especially when subjected to a finite surcharge, as demonstrated by a series of numerical simulations using Limit Analysis (LA). Use of a rigorous LA tool that employs an algorithm to computationally determine the critical collapse state allows for the determination of optimal reinforcement placement in Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) walls based on both spacing and concentration specifically at the toe or crest of the structure. The effects on stability are evaluated for two scenarios: (1) a "top-down" approach where reinforcement spacing density is progressively increased from the top of the wall downwards and (2) a "bottom-up" approach where the spacing density is progressively increased from the toe of the wall upwards. Presented within this study are the results of comprehensive parametric analysis varying reinforcement spacing, reinforcement strength and footing location, highlighting the stability benefits of top-down and bottom-up reinforcement density approaches. Placement of dense reinforcements near the crest of surcharge-supporting walls had a notable benefit for stability, while placement of dense reinforcements at the toe improved stability for walls without a surcharge. Hence, reinforcement spacing tailored to specific wall functions may provide significant economic benefits when considering reduced reinforcement needs, lessened tensile strength requirements, or shortened bridge deck length based on surcharge placement all by concentrating reinforcement density at a specific height of a structure. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:土工合成材料已成为土保持结构中常见的土壤加固方法。然而,其应用的功效可以根据用途而增强。土工合成材料设计通常涉及整个保持结构中钢筋的均匀间距。但是,如使用极限分析(LA)进行的一系列数值模拟所示,优化钢筋间距可能会对稳定性产生重大影响,尤其是在承受有限附加费时。使用严格的LA工具,该工具采用算法来计算确定严重的坍塌状态,从而可以根据间距和集中度(尤其是在结构的脚趾或波峰处)来确定机械稳定土(MSE)墙体中的最佳钢筋位置。在两种情况下评估了对稳定性的影响:(1)“自上而下”的方法,其中钢筋间距从墙的顶部向下逐渐增加;(2)“自下而上”的方法,间距密度为从墙的脚趾向上逐渐增加。这项研究中提出的是综合参数分析的结果,这些参数分析了钢筋间距,钢筋强度和立足位置的变化,突出了自顶向下和自底向上的钢筋密度方法的稳定性。在辅助支撑墙的顶部附近放置密集的钢筋对于稳定性具有显着的好处,而在脚趾处放置密集的钢筋则改善了无附加壁的稳定性。因此,在考虑减少钢筋需求,降低抗拉强度要求或缩短桥面长度(基于附加荷载放置)时,针对特定墙功能量身定制的钢筋间距可通过在结构的特定高度集中钢筋密度来提供显着的经济效益。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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