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Review Paper: Historical development of the total normalized gradient method in profile gravity field interpretation


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In the Russian school, the total normalized gradient method belongs to the most wide-spread of direct interpretation methods for potential field data. This method was also used and partly developed by many experts from abroad. The main advantage of the total normalized gradient method is its relative independence of parameters such as the expected differential density of interpreted structures. The method is built from a construction of a specially transformed field (total normalized gradient) on a section crossing the potential field sources. The special properties of this transformed field allow it to be used to detect the source positions. From the 1960s, the mathematical basis of the method underwent enormous development and several modifications of the method have been elaborated. The total normalized gradient operator itself represents a relatively complicated, non-linear band-pass filter in the spectral domain. The properties of this operator can be handled by means of several parameters that act to separate the information about field sources at different depth levels. In this contribution, we describe the development of the method from its very beginning (based mostly on qualitative interpretation of simple total normalized gradient sections) through to more recent numerical improvements to the method. These improvements include the quasi-singular points method, which refines the filter properties of the total normalized gradient operator and defines an objective criteria (so called criterion 'alpha' and ' CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GHE') for the definition of source depths in the section. We end by describing possibilities for further development of the method in the future.
机译:在俄罗斯学校中,总归一化梯度法属于对潜在田间数据最广泛的直接解释方法。许多国外专家也使用并部分开发了这种方法。总归一化梯度方法的主要优点是其相对独立的参数,例如预期的解释结构的密度差异。该方法是通过在与潜在场源交叉的截面上构造特殊变换的场(总归一化梯度)而构建的。此转换字段的特殊属性允许它用于检测源位置。从1960年代起,该方法的数学基础得到了极大的发展,并且对该方法进行了多种修改。总归一化梯度算子本身在频谱域中代表了一个相对复杂的非线性带通滤波器。可以通过几个参数来处理该算子的属性,这些参数用于分离有关不同深度级别的场源的信息。在此贡献中,我们描述了该方法的发展,从一开始(主要基于简单的总归一化梯度截面的定性解释),到方法的最新数值改进。这些改进包括准奇异点方法,该方法改进了总归一化梯度算子的滤波器属性,并为该部分中的源深度定义定义了一个客观标准(所谓的标准“ alpha”和“西里尔大写字母GHE”) 。最后,我们描述了将来进一步开发该方法的可能性。



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