首页> 外文期刊>Geomorphology >Assessment of erosion and deposition in steep mountain basins by differencing sequential digital terrain models

Assessment of erosion and deposition in steep mountain basins by differencing sequential digital terrain models


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Digital elevation models (DEMs) built from repeated topographic surveys permit producing DEM of Difference (DoD) that enables assessment of elevation variations and estimation of volumetric changes through time. In the framework of sediment transport studies, DEM differencing enables quantitative and spatially-distributed representation of erosion and deposition within the analyzed time window, at both the channel reach and the catchment scale. In this study, two high-resolution Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) derived from airborne LiDAR data (2 m resolution) acquired in 2005 and 2011 were used to characterize the topographic variations caused by sediment erosion, transport and deposition in two adjacent mountain basins (Gadria and Strimm, Vinschgau -Venosta valley, Eastern Alps, Italy). These catchments were chosen for their contrasting morphology and because they feature different types and intensity of sediment transfer processes. A method based on fuzzy logic, which takes into account spatially variable DTMs uncertainty, was used to derive the DoD of the study area. Volumes of erosion and deposition calculated from the DoD were then compared with post-event field surveys to test the consistency of two independent estimates. Results show an overall agreement between the estimates, with differences due to the intrinsic approximations of the two approaches. The consistency of DoD with post event estimates encourages the integration of these two methods, whose combined application may permit to overcome the intrinsic limitations of the two estimations. The comparison between 2005 and 2011 DTMs allowed to investigate the relationships between topographic changes and geomorphometric parameters expressing the role of topography on sediment erosion and deposition (i.e., slope and contributing area) and describing the morphology influenced by debris flows and fluvial processes (i.e., curvature). Erosion and deposition relations in the slope-area space display substantial differences between the Gadria and the Strimm basins. While in the former erosion and deposition clusters are reasonably well discriminated, in the latter, characterized by a complex stepped structure, we observe substantial overlapping. Erosion mostly occurred in areas that show persistency of concavity or transformation from convex and flat to concave surfaces, whereas deposition prevailingly took place on convex morphologies. Less expected correspondences between curvature and topographic changes can be explained by the variable sediment transport processes, which are often characterized by alternation of erosion and deposition between different events and even during the same event. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:通过重复地形测量构建的数字高程模型(DEM)允许生成差异DEM(DoD),从而可以评估高程变化并估算随时间的体积变化。在沉积物运移研究的框架中,DEM差分可以在通道到达范围和集水规模上,在分析的时间窗口内定量和空间分布地表示侵蚀和沉积。在这项研究中,使用了从2005年和2011年获取的机载LiDAR数据(分辨率为2 m)获得的两个高分辨率数字地形模型(DTM),以表征由两个相邻山区的沉积物侵蚀,运移和沉积引起的地形变化( Gadria和Strimm,Vinschgau -Venosta谷,东阿尔卑斯山,意大利)。选择这些流域是因为它们具有不同的形态,因为它们具有不同类型和不同强度的沉积物转移过程。一种基于模糊逻辑的方法,该方法考虑了空间变量DTM的不确定性,用于得出研究区域的DoD。然后将国防部计算出的侵蚀和沉积量与事后现场调查进行比较,以检验两个独立估计的一致性。结果表明估算值之间的总体一致性,但由于两种方法的内在近似性而存在差异。国防部与事后评估的一致性鼓励了这两种方法的集成,将其结合使用可以克服两种评估的固有局限性。 2005年DTM与2011年DTM之间的比较允许研究地形变化与地貌参数之间的关系,这些参数表达了地形对沉积物侵蚀和沉积的作用(即坡度和影响面积),并描述了泥石流和河流作用过程所影响的形态(即曲率)。斜坡区域的侵蚀和沉积关系显示出盖德里亚盆地和斯特里姆盆地之间的实质性差异。在前者中,侵蚀和沉积团簇可以被很好地区分,在后者中,其特征是具有复杂的阶梯状结构,但我们观察到了实质性的重叠。侵蚀主要发生在显示出凹陷的持久性或从凸面到平坦面到凹面的转变的区域,而沉积主要发生在凸面形态上。曲率与地形变化之间预期较少的对应关系可以通过变化的沉积物输运过程来解释,其特征通常是不同事件之间甚至同一事件之间侵蚀和沉积的交替。 (C)2016 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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