首页> 外文期刊>Revista Geologica de Chile >The petrography, origin and sedimentary paleoenvironment of Remoredo Formation pyroclastic rocks (Lower Jurassic), 35°30'S-70° 15'W, Argentina.

The petrography, origin and sedimentary paleoenvironment of Remoredo Formation pyroclastic rocks (Lower Jurassic), 35°30'S-70° 15'W, Argentina.

机译:阿根廷35°30'S-70°15'W Remoredo组火山碎屑岩(下侏罗统)的岩石学,成因和沉积古环境。

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Facies analysis of pyroclastic outcrops of the Remoredo Formation, which surround a phenoandesitic intrusive (Cerro Negro Andesite), allowed the authors to recognize two facies associations: 1-Tuff-Breccia Association and 2-Tuff Association. They were interpreted as 1-proximal co-ignimbrite lag breccia and 2-associated ignimbrites and co-ignimbrite air-fall tuffs, respectively, all of them derived from flows that were originated by gravitational column collapses. Paleocurrents, internal structures and provenance of the lithics point to the Cerro Negro Andesite intrusion as one of the source vents although not excluding others located further west of the study area. Tuffs of the middle section of Remoredo Formation were deposited into an ephemeral lake, while the rest were deposited under subaerial conditions.
机译:雷莫尔多组火山碎屑露头的相分析,围绕苯安山岩侵入体(Cerro Negro安山岩),使作者认识到两个相联系:1-Tuff-Breccia协会和2-Tuff协会。它们分别被解释为1近邻共燃滞后角砾岩和2伴生着火凝灰岩和共燃空降凝灰岩,它们都源自重力柱倒塌引起的流动。古流,内部结构和岩性的来源表明塞罗内格罗安山岩侵入是其中之一,尽管不排除位于研究区以西的其他喷口。雷莫尔多组中段的凝灰岩沉积在一个短暂的湖泊中,其余的则在地下条件下沉积。



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