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Contesting sustainable development in Tierra del Fuego


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Despite wide ranging interpretations of the concept of sustainable development there is growing consensus about the ecological, social, and economic conditions necessary to foster a sustainability transition. In addition to quantitative assessments of sustainabil-ity indicators, qualitative process indicators are being identified. For example, active, democratic, and inclusive decision-making are shown to lead to more informed decisions and, presumably, more sustainable use systems. The creation of these conditions, however, often requires bridging lack of mutual trust and scientific uncertainty. And while the ideals of sustainable development suggest that all stakeholders get what they want, without compromise nothing approaching sustainable development is attainable. Obstructing compromise, environmental ideology represents a key remaining hurdle to achieving a middle ground in environment and development debates. In the 1990s, the US-based Trillium Corporation sought to implement a large-scale logging project in Tierra del Fuego, Chile, but was rebuffed by environmentalists who embraced ecotourism as the preferred development option. The case is analyzed in the context of calls to reconsider conceptually nature-society relationships and ideas in sustainability science about which land management systems best match sustainability goals. Findings show that the decision-making process for determining whether or not to implement the logging project was flawed. We explore two implications. First, achieving sustainable development requires a consensus view of nature-society relationships that embraces humanized landscapes. Second, inclusive and effective decision-making about sustainable development necessitates free and open exchange of information, collective learning about regional environment and development, and the identification of compromise positions.
机译:尽管对可持续发展的概念有各种各样的解释,但对于促进可持续发展过渡所必需的生态,社会和经济条件的共识正在日益增加。除了对可持续性指标进行定量评估外,还在确定定性过程指标。例如,主动,民主和包容性的决策表明可以导致更明智的决策,并且可能会导致更可持续的利用系统。但是,创造这些条件常常需要弥合相互信任和科学不确定性。虽然可持续发展的理想建议所有利益相关者都能得到他们想要的东西,但是在不妥协的情况下,没有任何办法可以实现可持续发展。阻碍达成妥协的环境意识形态是在环境与发展辩论中取得中间立场的主要障碍。在1990年代,总部位于美国的Trillium Corporation试图在智利的蒂埃拉·德·韦戈(Tierra del Fuego)实施大规模的伐木项目,但遭到环保主义者的拒绝,他们将生态旅游作为首选的开发选择。在呼吁重新考虑可持续发展科学中的自然-社会关系和思想的背景下,对该案例进行了分析,有关哪些土地管理系统最符合可持续发展目标。调查结果表明,用于确定是否实施测井项目的决策过程存在缺陷。我们探讨了两个含义。首先,实现可持续发展需要对自然与社会关系的共识,其中包括人性化景观。第二,关于可持续发展的包容性和有效的决策需要自由和公开的信息交流,对区域环境与发展的集体学习以及对折衷立场的确定。



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