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Perioperative antimicrobials in chest surgery patients positive for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus


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In pulmonary surgery, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)-positive patients present an issue of perioperative antimicrobials. During 1996 to 2009 in a total of 1,080 pulmonary operations, MRSA was detected before 20 operations. Perioperatively, we followed the Sanford Guide using vancomycin (VCM) or arbekacin (ABK) in MRSA-positive cases at high risk (n = 14), including 1 with clinical infection and 13 with colonization. We used 1-day cefazolin (CEZ) in MRSApositive cases at low risk (n = 6). We defined the outcome as surgical site infection (SSI) that included death from infection. The 14 high-risk cases received a median of 3 days of VCM or ABK, of which 1 (7%) developed SSI. Of the cases given CEZ, we noted SSI in 1 of 6 low-risk cases (17%). Thus, MRSA-positive pulmonary surgery patients at large may receive 3-day VCM or ABK.
机译:在肺部手术中,耐甲氧西林的金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)阳性患者存在围手术期抗菌药物的问题。在1996年至2009年期间,总共进行了1,080例肺部手术,在进行20例手术之前就检测出了MRSA。围手术期,我们在高风险(n = 14)的MRSA阳性病例中使用万古霉素(VCM)或阿贝卡星(ABK)遵循《桑福德指南》,其中1例临床感染,13例定植。我们在低风险(n = 6)的MRSA阳性病例中使用了1天的头孢唑啉(CEZ)。我们将结果定义为手术部位感染(SSI),其中包括感染死亡。 14例高危患者平均接受了3天的VCM或ABK治疗,其中1例(7%)发展为SSI。在给予CEZ的病例中,我们注意到6例低危病例中的1例(17%)为SSI。因此,MRSA阳性的肺外科手术患者一般可以接受3天的VCM或ABK。



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