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Think before you link stocks and commodities


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Common assumptions and some anecdotal evidence suggest that traders might better their returns if they focused on the companies dealing in commodities rather than the commodities themselves, but do the data support it? In a gold rush, sell shovels. That advice, in one form or another, no doubt preceded the California gold rush, but is there a better illustration of this axiom than the relative profits of various '49ers and Levi Strauss, purveyor of blue jeans thereto? Does it follow that in a modem-day commodity rally we should forego trading the underlying commodity and focus instead on the stocks of corporations involved in the production and processing of those commodities? (See "The producers," "A consuming passion" and "Due process for commodities," June through August 2002.) And given the surging popularity of exchange-traded funds (ETF) linked to various sub-indexes, should any of those instruments earn our investment dollars the way various resource-oriented mutual funds once did?
机译:共同的假设和一些轶事证据表明,如果交易者专注于从事商品交易的公司而不是商品本身,则交易者可能会提高回报,但是数据是否支持呢?在淘金热中,出售铁锹。毫无疑问,这种建议以某种形式出现在加利福尼亚淘金热之前,但是有没有比49年代和蓝色牛仔裤供应商Levi Strauss的相对利润更好地说明了这一公理?是否遵循这样的观点,在现代商品大涨中,我们应该放弃交易基础商品,而将注意力集中在参与生产和加工这些商品的公司的股票上? (请参阅2002年6月至2002年8月的“生产者”,“一种消费热情”和“商品的正当程序”。)鉴于与各种子指数相关的交易所买卖基金(ETF)越来越流行,如果其中任何一种工具可以像各种资源导向型共同基金那样赚取我们的投资美元?



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