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William Brodsky: Writing the rules, shaping the future

机译:威廉·布罗德斯基(William Brodsky):编写规则,塑造未来

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At the end of World War II, Winston Churchill quipped that history would be kind to him, because he intended to write it. Something similar could be said for William J. Brodsky: the derivatives industry has been kind to him, in part, because he has had such an active role in shaping it. In his 40 years in the industry, Brodsky has served as an executive at the American Stock Exchange, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the Chicago Board Options Exchange. And at each he guided the inception, not just of new products, but also of new asset classes, including tradeable equity options, stock-index futures and options, options on futures, single-stock futures and most recently volatility index options. As a compliance lawyer at a securities brokerage firm in 1973, a terrible year for the stock market, Brodsky sought extra job security by taking responsibility for the firm's membership and compliance at the fledgling Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). He passed the required exam and became a registered option principle for the firm, responsible for supervising traders and customer business, and published a pamphlet about the options industry and its regulation. He later took that knowledge with him to the American Stock Exchange (AMEX), which was interested in launching its own equity options products, and he became the head of options trading, special council on government relations and later represented the Amex as a board member at the Options Clearing Corporation.
机译:第二次世界大战结束时,温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)嘲笑说,对他来说历史将是善意的,因为他打算写下来。威廉·J·布罗德斯基(William J. Brodsky)可以说类似的话:衍生品行业对他来说很友善,部分原因是他在塑造这一行业方面发挥了积极作用。在服务行业的40年中,布罗德斯基曾在美国证券交易所,芝加哥商品交易所和芝加哥期权交易所担任高管。在他的指导下,他不仅指导了新产品的创立,而且还指导了新资产类别的创立,包括可交易的股票期权,股票指数期货和期权,期货期权,单一股票期货以及最近的波动指数期权。 1973年,股市糟糕透了,作为一名证券经纪公司的合规律师,布罗德斯基在刚刚成立的芝加哥期权交易所(CBOE)担负着该公司的成员资格和合规责任,以寻求额外的工作保障。他通过了必要的考试,成为该公司的注册期权原则,负责监督交易者和客户业务,并出版了有关期权行业及其法规的小册子。后来,他将这些知识带到了美国证券交易所(AMEX),该公司对推出自己的股票期权产品感兴趣,并且他成为了期权交易主管,政府关系特别委员会主席,后来代表美国运通公司(Amex)担任董事会成员。在期权结算公司。



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