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OTC and exchanges: convergence deferred


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Five years ago, the promise of commoditization and real-time processing created an expectation of a renaissance in listed product development. Alas, only a handful of products were developed, and they were underwhelming. But the expected convergence of OTC and exchange markets is gearing up now.rnRichard Olsen and his partner Michael Stumm built the Oanda trading platform in part to show it was doable, and in part because they truly seem to believe that if you get more people participating in open, transparent and liquid markets, you'll end up with the kind of fair and stable financial system that markets are supposed to deliver.rnContrast that with the over-the-counter (OTC) world, where a few well-educated, but not particularly diverse, minds are determining the prices on which trillions of dollars worth of global instruments are based.rnA cynic would blame the top-tier banks that run everything and keep the markets closed and clunky to bloat the bid-offer spreads that generate their profits.
机译:五年前,商品化和实时处理的前景使人们对上市产品开发的复兴产生了期望。 las,只有少数产品被开发出来,而且这些产品势不可挡。但是场外交易市场和交易所市场的预期融合现在正在加紧。rn理查德·奥尔森(Richard Olsen)和他的合伙人迈克尔(Michael Stumm)建立了Oanda交易平台,部分目的是证明它是可行的,部分是因为他们似乎真的相信,如果您吸引更多的人参与在开放,透明和流动的市场中,您最终将获得市场应该提供的那种公平,稳定的金融体系。与非处方药(OTC)世界形成鲜明对比,在这个世界中,有一些受过良好教育的人,但愤世嫉俗的人会责备经营一切的顶级银行,并保持市场封闭和笨拙,以积产生的买入价差,但并不是特别多样化,而是由心态决定着价值数万亿美元的全球工具所基于的价格。他们的利润。



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