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Parameterisation to tailor commodity clusters to applications


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Parallel applications can be parameterised by the quotient γ_a of flop/s and data transfers between the processors, and by the machine-dependent, maximum local processor performance r_a. Clusters can be parameterised by the quotient γ_m of r_a and the per processor network communication bandwidth b_m. All those parameters are predictable. In parallel machines, the communication time is smaller than the computing time if γ_m < γ_a. A first principles chemistry application is described and parameterised. Benchmarks on the Swiss-T1 cluster machine show that the predicted inter-processor communication and computing times correspond well to the measured times. These parameterisations can now be used to tailor clusters from commodity components to the applications.
机译:可以通过触发器/秒与处理器之间的数据传输的商γ_a以及与机器有关的最大本地处理器性能r_a来参数化并行应用程序。可以通过r_a的商γ_m和每个处理器网络通信带宽b_m来参数化集群。所有这些参数都是可以预测的。在并行机中,如果γ_m<γ_a,则通信时间小于计算时间。描述并参数化了第一原理化学应用。 Swiss-T1集群计算机上的基准测试表明,预测的处理器间通信和计算时间与测量时间非常吻合。这些参数化现在可以用于定制从商品组件到应用程序的集群。



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