首页> 外文期刊>Fusion Science and Technology >Radial Potential Fluctuation Measurements During The Application Of Electron Cyclotron Heating In The Tandem Mirror Gamma 10

Radial Potential Fluctuation Measurements During The Application Of Electron Cyclotron Heating In The Tandem Mirror Gamma 10

机译:电子回旋加速器在串联反射镜Gamma 10中的应用过程中的径向势波动测量

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A study of fluctuation is one of main issues in fusion plasma researches. In the tandem mirror GAMMA 10, a potential fluctuation changes during the formation of confinement potential with the application of electron cyclotron heating (ECH). Potential fluctuation induces radial particle transports. We have studied the radial profiles of the potential fluctuation during the application of ECH. The potential in the central cell of GAMMA10 is measured by a gold neutral beam probe (GNBP) system. GNBP is a useful tool for the study of radial potential and its fluctuation directly in the fusion plasmas. It was confirmed that the stronger radial potential was formed during the application of plug ECH than that without plug-ECH.
机译:对波动的研究是聚变等离子体研究的主要问题之一。在串联反射镜GAMMA 10中,通过施加电子回旋加速器(ECH),在形成限制电势期间电势波动发生变化。潜在的波动会引起径向粒子传输。我们已经研究了ECH应用过程中潜在波动的径向分布。 GAMMA10中央电池中的电势通过金中性束探针(GNBP)系统测量。 GNBP是直接研究聚变等离子体中径向势及其波动的有用工具。可以肯定的是,在施加插头ECH的过程中形成了比没有插头ECH更大的径向势。



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