首页> 外文期刊>Forest Science >The Epidemiology of Pitch Canker of Monterey Pine in California

The Epidemiology of Pitch Canker of Monterey Pine in California


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The progression of pitch canker disease, caused by Fusarium circinatum, was followed over 4 yr (1992-1996) in urban stands of Monterey pine, Pinus radiata, with initially zero, light, moderate, and severe disease intensity. The disease progressed from a few to many branch tip symptoms, followed by the appearance of cankers on the main stem. Symptomatic branch tips at the start of the study were predictive of tree mortality or removal after 4 yr. Trees with canopy dieback and stem cankers were often attacked by the red turpentine beetle, Dendroctonus valens. Among initially disease-free trees, disease progression and final severity were greater in plots with initially severe and moderate disease intensity. Apparent infection rates did not differ between plots with different initial disease intensities. Over the 4 yr of the study, 2% of trees in the five plots with most severe disease never exhibited disease symptoms and thus may be resistant to pitch canker. In addition, 7% of symptomatic trees in these plots never had more than two symptomatic branch tips, which may reflect a moderate level of resistance.
机译:在长达4年(1992-1996年)的蒙特雷松(Pinus radiata)城市林分中,追踪了由镰刀镰刀菌引起的沥青溃疡病病情发展,最初为零,轻,中,重度疾病。该病从少数到许多分支尖端症状发展,随后在主茎上出现溃疡。研究开始时有症状的分支技巧可以预测树木死亡或4年后的砍伐。带有树冠枯萎和枯萎病的树木经常受到红色松节甲虫Dendroctonus valens的攻击。在最初无病的树木中,疾病发展程度和最终严重程度在具有最初严重和中等疾病强度的地块中更大。在具有不同初始疾病强度的地块之间,表观感染率没有差异。在研究的4年中,五个样地中病情最严重的地区中有2%的树木从未表现出病害症状,因此可能对沥青病产生抵抗力。此外,在这些地块中,有症状的树中有7%的树从未有超过两个有症状的分支尖端,这可能反映了中等程度的抗性。



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