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A400M delay opens up supplier rift


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Airbus Military's revelation of further delays to the A400M's first flight obscures the timing of future deliveries and reveals new cracks in the relationship between the airframer and its propulsion supplier. Airbus says the impact of the latest delay for the first flight -which was originally scheduled in January 2008 and has now slipped into 2009 - upon costs and delivery schedules can only be "reliably assessed" after further discussions with customers. But the structure of the fixed-price development and production contract for the A400M exposes Airbus to heavy losses due to the costs of a prolonged development cycle and penalty payments to customers for missed delivery targets. "This was bound to go horribly wrong," says Richard Aboulafia, vice-president analysis for Teal Group. "It is to the best of my knowledge the only single fixed-price contract that covers both the procurement and development phases."
机译:空中客车军事公司(Airbus Military)透露A400M首次飞行将进一步延迟,这掩盖了未来交付的时间,并揭示了机身与推进器供应商之间的关系出现了新的裂痕。空中客车公司表示,首次航班的最新延误(原定于2008年1月,现已延至2009年)对成本和交付时间表的影响只有在与客户进一步讨论后才能“可靠地评估”。但是由于延长的开发周期以及因错过交付目标而向客户支付的罚款,A400M的固定价格开发和生产合同的结构使空客遭受了沉重的损失。蒂尔集团(Teal Group)副总裁理查德·阿伯拉菲亚(Richard Aboulafia)说:“这注定是错误的。”据我所知,这是唯一涵盖采购和开发阶段的单一固定价格合同。”



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