首页> 外文期刊>Fisheries Science >Occurrence of heavy metals in the sediments of Uranouchi Inlet, Kochi prefecture, Japan

Occurrence of heavy metals in the sediments of Uranouchi Inlet, Kochi prefecture, Japan


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The present status of contamination by heavy metals, and the impact of cage culture on sediments at the Uranouchi Inlet, Kochi Prefecture, Japan, were investigated from two stations influenced by intensive aquaculture and a control station, during May–July 2006. The moisture content of the sediments at the aquaculture stations was over 65%, and the organic matter was always over 100 mg/g dry wt. In contrast, the highest moisture content and organic matter at the control station was 45.5% and 62.9 mg/g dry wt, respectively. Concentrations of zinc (Zn) (178 ± 4.8 mg/kg dry wt) and copper (Cu) (125 ± 1.2 mg/kg dry wt) were highest at the aquaculture stations. Lead (Pb) was highest (50.7 ± 0.77 mg/kg dry wt) at the aquaculture station though it was as high as 33.2 ± 0.77 mg/kg dry wt at the control station. One-way ANOVA showed that the differences in concentrations of Zn and Cu in sediments from the aquaculture and control stations were highly significant (P = 0.01), whereas Pb showed no such trend. Occurrence of a large fraction of labile Zn (56.1%) and Cu (40.3%) in these sediments warrants attention. Although factors other than metals may explain the distribution observed, the information presented here may be useful in predicting long-term effects of heavy metal contamination from aquaculture in the marine environment.
机译:在2006年5月至7月期间,从两个受精养水产养殖影响的站点和一个控制站点调查了日本高知县浦之内入口的重金属污染现状以及网箱养殖对沉积物的影响。水分含量水产养殖站的沉积物超过65%,有机质始终超过100 mg / g干重。相反,控制站的最高水分含量和有机质分别为45.5%和62.9 mg / g干重。在水产养殖站,锌(Zn)(178±4.8 mg / kg干重)和铜(Cu)(125±1.2 mg / kg干重)的浓度最高。铅(Pb)在水产养殖站最高(50.7±0.77 mg / kg干重),尽管在对照站高达33.2±0.77 mg / kg干重。单向方差分析表明,水产养殖场和控制站沉积物中锌和铜的浓度差异非常显着(P = 0.01),而铅却没有这种趋势。这些沉积物中大量存在不稳定的锌(56.1%)和铜(40.3%)值得关注。尽管金属以外的因素可以解释观察到的分布,但此处提供的信息可能有助于预测水产养殖对海洋环境造成的重金属污染的长期影响。



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