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Species diversity of the marine diatom genus Skeletonema in Japanese brackish water areas


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The genus Skeletonema includes phytoplankton species that are important primary producers in marine food chains. Brackish waters have been reported to be one of the important habitats of some species of Skeletonema. To elucidate the species diversity of Skeletonema in brackish waters, we investigated three Japanese brackish bodies of water: the coastal waters of Toyama Bay, a tidal area of the Chikugo River, and a constructed reservoir in Isahaya Bay. We used molecular analysis based on large subunit rDNA and fine morphological structure to identify species. Skeletonema costatum s.s. (sensu stricto) was isolated at salinities as low as 0.6, but Skeletonema dohrnii, Skeletonema subsalsum, and Skeletonema tropicum were not found at salinities below 11.0. S. costatum s.s. could survive transfer from a medium with a salinity of 15 to a salinity of 2, but S. dohrnii did not survive in the same experiment. Only S. costatum s.s. germinated from the sediment of a reservoir in which the salinity was 0.1–1.4; incubation conditions included temperatures of 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 °C and salinities of 5 and 30. Skeletonema costatum s.s. was identified as the species most adaptable to low-level salinity variations throughout its lifecycle.
机译:骨骼藻属包括浮游植物,是海洋食物链中重要的主要生产者。据报微咸水是某些骨骼动物的重要生境之一。为了阐明微咸水域中骨骼藻的物种多样性,我们调查了三个日本微咸水域:富山湾的沿海水域,筑后河的潮汐区以及and早湾的人工水库。我们使用基于大亚基rDNA和精细形态结构的分子分析来鉴定物种。肋骨骨骼肌(Sensu stricto)的盐分低至0.6,但是在低于11.0的盐分下没有发现Skeletonema dohrnii,Skeletonema subsalsum和tropicele。肋骨链球菌可以从盐度为15的培养基转移到盐度为2的培养基中存活,但是dohrnii不能在同一实验中存活。仅S.costatums.s。从盐度为0.1-1.4的水库沉积物中发芽;孵化条件包括10、15、20、25和30°C的温度以及5和30的盐度。被确定为在整个生命周期中最适合低盐度变化的物种。



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