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Fire chiefs celebrate safety law success


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The regulations - which make it compulsory for all landlords to fit smoke alarrr s in rented homes - follows a high profile campaign led by a team from Cheshire and supported by the Chief Fire Officers Association. "I am delighted that the government recognised the strength of the case we put forward and the major improvements in public safety this simple step will bring about," said Mark Cashin, Cheshire's Deputy Chief Fire Officer and Chair of CFOA's Home Safety Committee. "While death and injuries from fires have reduced considerably in recent years, the majority of victims continue to be those who are most vulnerable, often living in private rented accommodation. "This change will improve the safety of families and stop dozens of people from losing their lives to fire each year. The cost to landlords is small, with a ten-year sealed alarm costing around £15."
机译:该法规强制所有房东在租住的房屋中安装烟雾报警器。该法规是在柴郡一支队伍领导下,并在首席消防官协会的支持下进行的。柴郡副首席消防官兼CFOA房屋安全委员会主席Mark Cashin表示:“政府对我们提出的案子的实力以及这一简单步骤将带来的公共安全的重大改善感到高兴,政府对此表示感谢。” “尽管近年来因火灾造成的伤亡人数大大减少,但大多数受害者仍然是最脆弱的人,他们通常住在私人租住的住房中。”这种改变将改善家庭安全,并阻止数十人丧生他们的生活每年都在火烧。房东的成本很小,十年密封的警报器价格约为15英镑。”



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