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Application Tests of New Wetting Compositions for Wildland Firefighting


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Extinguishing forest fires is a critical issue for fire brigades; fire can spread throughout vast areas in a relatively short period of time. The studies presented in this paper describe the results of laboratory and field tests of new compositions of wetting agents for extinguishing wildland fires. The studies assessed the ability to penetrate surface fuels using 0.5 and 1% solution of wetting compositions. The penetration of the liquid through the layer of the loose rotting wood with solutions of obtained wetting agents was up to 68 times faster than with water. The absorption of water droplet was even 40 times slower in comparison to wetting agent solutions. Based on laboratory research, compositions that exhibit the best wetting properties were analysed in real conditions in field tests to assess their capacity to penetrate in surface fuels, their ability to make fire barriers and their efficiency in suppressing fires of soil cover and thickets. In tests performed in 4 m(2) plots, the wetting compositions hold the flames from crossing a thin firebreak for up to three times longer periods than water. The results of the studies confirmed a significant increase in efficiency when new biodegradable wetting agents are employed to extinguish forest fires.
机译:扑灭森林大火是消防队的关键问题。火灾会在相对较短的时间内蔓延到广大地区。本文介绍的研究描述了用于扑灭野火的新型润湿剂成分的实验室和现场测试结果。研究评估了使用0.5%和1%的润湿组合物溶液渗透表面燃料的能力。所获得的润湿剂溶液使液体穿过松散的腐烂木材层的渗透速度比水快68倍。与润湿剂溶液相比,水滴的吸收甚至慢了40倍。根据实验室研究,在实际条件下,通过现场测试对表现出最佳润湿性能的组合物进行了评估,以评估其渗透到表面燃料中的能力,形成防火屏障的能力以及抑制土壤覆盖物和灌木丛火灾的效率。在4 m(2)的图上进行的测试中,湿润的组合物阻止火焰穿过稀薄的防火层的时间比水长三倍。研究结果证实,当使用新的可生物降解的湿润剂扑灭森林大火时,效率显着提高。



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