
Artfully green


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Poland was admitted to the European Union on May 1, 2004 because it was able to meet the requirements for membership, including tight environmental standards. By the 1980s, the country had suffered ecologically disastrous levels of pollution after years of infrastructure neglect. Lemna International, based in Minneapolis, has been instrumental in the clean up, building over 80 wastewater treatment ponds in Poland during the past 15 years. Lemna is the largest United States presence in the ecological field in Poland. Viet Ngo, Lemna's founder and CEO, says that Poland is a predominantly rural country of villages located 5km apart with populations of around 5-6,000. Lemna adapted to these local conditions, offering an affordable alternative for a de-centralized, flexible and less intrusive system of wastewater treatment. The key to this system is a series of treatment lagoons around the countryside using Lemna's patented technologies involving natural biological processes and when an enclosed system is necessary, their trade-marked modular insulated covers. The lagoons are easily and quickly constructed by digging holes in the ground and lining them with geomembrane, so waste-water cannot seep into the surroundings.
机译:波兰于2004年5月1日加入欧盟,因为它能够满足成员资格要求,包括严格的环境标准。到1980年代,该国在多年基础设施被忽视之后遭受了生态灾难性的污染。位于明尼阿波利斯的Lemna International在清理工作中发挥了重要作用,在过去15年中在波兰建造了80多个废水处理池。莱姆纳(Lemna)是美国在波兰生态领域最大的分支机构。莱姆纳(Lemna)的创始人兼首席执行官越南越(Viet Ngo)说,波兰是一个主要的乡村国家,村庄相距5公里,人口约5至6000。 Lemna适应了这些当地条件,为分散,灵活且侵入性较小的废水处理系统提供了负担得起的替代方案。该系统的关键是使用Lemna的专利技术(涉及自然生物过程)在乡村周围的一系列处理泻湖,并且在需要封闭系统时,需要使用其商标的模块化绝缘罩。通过在地面上挖洞并用土工膜做衬里,可以轻松,快速地建造泻湖,因此废水不会渗入周围环境。



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