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QuantiFERON®-TB Gold assay for the diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection


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Tuberculin skin test (TST) has been used for 100 years for the diagnosis of latent tuberculosisn(TB) infection (LTBI). In recent years, increasing interest in the diagnosis of TB has led to thendevelopment of new assays. QuantiFERON®-TB Gold (QFT-G) is an IFN-γ-release assay thatnmeasures the release of interferon after stimulation in vitro by Mycobacterium tuberculosisnantigens. The main advantage of this assay with respect to TST is the lack of crossreaction withnbacillus Calmette–Guérin and most nontuberculous mycobacteria. QFT-G also eliminates thenneed for the patient to return for test reading in 48–72 h. In the immunocompromised hostnand in pediatric populations, studies suggest that the QFT-G better correlates with the risk ofnTB than the TST, but data remain inconclusive. In contrast to TST, there are no prospectivenstudies regarding the association of the QFT-G result and the risk for development of TB. Givennits advantages, the QFT-G may become the standard test for the diagnosis of LTBI.
机译:结核菌素皮肤试验(TST)已用于诊断潜伏性结核(TB)感染(LTBI)已有100年了。近年来,对结核病诊断的兴趣日益浓厚,导致了新方法的发展。 QuantiFERON®-TBGold(QFT-G)是一种IFN-γ释放测定法,用于测定结核分枝杆菌在体外刺激后干扰素的释放。就TST而言,该测定法的主要优点是与卡介苗和大多数非结核分枝杆菌没有交叉反应。 QFT-G还消除了患者在48-72小时内返回测试读数的需求。在儿童人群中免疫功能低下的旅馆,研究表明QFT-G与TSB的相关性比TST好,但数据尚无定论。与TST相比,没有关于QFT-G结果与结核病发展风险的关联的前瞻性研究。鉴于其优点,QFT-G可能成为诊断LTBI的标准测试。



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