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Ewing sarcoma family of tumors: a model for the new era of integrated laboratory diagnostics


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The Ewing sarcoma family of tumors (ESFT) represents one of the best models illustrating thenmultifaceted approach to the diagnosis of cancer that has evolved over the past decade. ESFTnencompasses tumors that arise in bone or soft tissues and may have disparate histologicnfeatures. As a result, it was not until the discovery that these tumors share a commonnunderlying molecular pathogenesis (chromosomal translocations involving the EWS gene andnone of several members of the ETS family of transcription factors) that significant advances innthe diagnosis and therapy of ESFT became possible. As a result, ESFT has come to embody thenamalgamation of classical diagnostic tools, such as histology and routine microscopy, withnnewer techniques, such as immunohistochemistry and molecular techniques; the latter includenPCR-based methods and fluorescence in situ hybridization. This review will address thenfeatures of ESFT and how it has emerged as a model for the new era of integrated diagnostics.
机译:尤因肉瘤肿瘤家族(ESFT)代表了最好的模型之一,该模型说明了过去十年来发展起来的用于诊断癌症的多方面方法。 ESFT涵盖了发生在骨骼或软组织中的肿瘤,可能具有不同的组织学特征。结果,直到发现这些肿瘤具有共同的潜在分子发病机制(涉及EWS基因的染色体易位,而ETS转录因子家族的几个成员都没有),才有可能在ESFT的诊断和治疗方面取得重大进展。结果,ESFT体现了经典诊断工具(如组织学和常规显微镜检查)的融合,以及更新的技术(如免疫组织化学和分子技术)。后者包括基于nPCR的方法和荧光原位杂交。本文将探讨ESFT的当时功能,以及它如何成为集成诊断新时代的模型。



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