首页> 外文期刊>Experimental Animals >Histopathology of Natural Ebola Virus Subtype Reston Infection in Cynomolgus Macaques during the Philippine Outbreak in 1996

Histopathology of Natural Ebola Virus Subtype Reston Infection in Cynomolgus Macaques during the Philippine Outbreak in 1996


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We investigated the livers, spleens, kidneys and lungs collected from 24 cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) naturally infected with Ebola virus subtype Reston (EBO-R) during the Philippine outbreak in 1996, in order to reveal the histopathologic findings. These macaques showed necrotic hepatocytes with inclusions, slight to massive fibrin deposition in splenic cords, depletion of lymphoid cells in the white pulp of the spleen, and fibrin thrombi in some organs. Immunohistochemical analysis using anti-leukocyte antigen L1 antibody revealed an increase in blood-derived macrophages/ monocytes in the livers, kidneys and lungs of EBO-R infected macaques. EBO-R NP antigens were detected in the macrophages/monocytes, endothelial cells and fibroblasts in the liver, spleen, kidney and lung. These results indicate that EBO-R infection is characterized by systemic coagulopathy and an increase in blood-derived macrophages/ monocytes in accordance with the EBO-R propagation in macrophages/monocytes.
机译:我们调查了1996年菲律宾爆发期间自然感染埃博拉病毒亚型雷斯顿(EBO-R)的24只食蟹猕猴(Macaca fascicularis)收集的肝,脾,肾和肺,以揭示其组织病理学发现。这些猕猴显示出坏死的肝细胞,有内含物,脾脏中有少量至大量的纤维蛋白沉积,脾脏白浆中的淋巴样细胞减少,某些器官的纤维蛋白血栓减少。使用抗白细胞抗原L1抗体的免疫组织化学分析显示,感染EBO-R的猕猴的肝脏,肾脏和肺部的血液巨噬细胞/单核细胞增加。在肝,脾,肾和肺的巨噬细胞/单核细胞,内皮细胞和成纤维细胞中检测到EBO-R NP抗原。这些结果表明,EBO-R感染的特征在于全身性凝血病,并且根据EBO-R在巨噬细胞/单核细胞中的传播,血液来源的巨噬细胞/单核细胞的增加。



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