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Diabetic Complications in a New Animal Model (TSOD mouse) of Spontaneous NIDDM with Obesity


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The TSOD mouse has been established as an inbred strain with spontaneous development of diabetes mellitus as the first clinical signs of diabetes. Polydipsia and polyuria are observed at about 2 months old only in male mice, after which hyperglycemiaand hyperinsulinemia are detected. Following these symptoms obesity gradually develops until about 12 months old. In histopathological examination of the pancreas, severe hypertrophy of pancreatic islets was observed due to proliferation and swelling ofB cells. In the kidney, thickening of the basement membrane in glomeruli and an increase of the mesangial area were observed at 18 months old. Motor neuropathy in TSOD mice began to appear at 14 months old and most male mice at 17 months old showed weakness of front and hind paws caused by neuron degeneration in the peripheral nerve. In sensory neuropathy, the threshold in the tail pressure test decreased significantly at 12 months old. Light microscopic and electron microscopic examination of sciatic nerves showed a decrease in the density of nerve fibers by the endoneural fibrosis and loss of these fibers. Degenerative changes of myelinated fibers, separation of myelin sheaths with intralamellar edema and remyelination were frequently observed. In the severely affected nerve fibers, the lamellar structure was completely destroyed and macrophages migrated around the myelin sheath or invaded the intramyelin space. Considering these findings similar to non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) inhumans, the TSOD mouse should be a useful model for the pathogenic study of diabetic complications, especially of peripheral neuropathy.
机译:TSOD小鼠已被确定为具有自发性糖尿病的自交系,是糖尿病的首批临床体征。仅在雄性小鼠中观察到约2个月大时的多饮和多尿,此后检测到高血糖和高胰岛素血症。遵循这些症状,肥胖逐渐发展到大约12个月大。在胰腺的组织病理学检查中,由于B细胞的增殖和肿胀,观察到严重的胰岛肥大。在肾脏中,在18个月大时观察到肾小球基底膜增厚和肾小球膜面积增加。 TSOD小鼠的运动神经病在14个月大时开始出现,而大多数17个月大的雄性小鼠表现出由周围神经元变性引起的前爪和后爪无力。在感觉神经病中,尾压测试的阈值在12个月大时显着降低。坐骨神经的光学显微镜和电子显微镜检查显示,由于神经内膜纤维化和这些纤维的丢失,神经纤维密度降低。经常观察到髓鞘纤维变性,髓鞘鞘间质水肿和髓鞘再生。在受严重影响的神经纤维中,层状结构被完全破坏,巨噬细胞在髓鞘周围迁移或侵入髓内腔。考虑到这些发现与人类非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病(NIDDM)相似,TSOD小鼠应成为糖尿病并发症尤其是周围神经病变的病原学研究的有用模型。



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