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Very little is known about the ability of the zooplankton grazer Daphniapulicaria to reduce populations of Giardia lamblia cysts and Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in surface waters. The potential for D. pulicaria to act as a biological filter of C. parvum and G. lamblia was tested under three grazing pressures (one, two, or four D. pulicaria grazers per 66 ml). (Oo)cysts (1 × 10~4 per 66 ml) were added to each grazing bottle along with the algal food Selenastrum capricornutum (6.6 × 10~4 cells per 66 ml) to stimulate normal grazing. Bottles were rotated (2 rpm) to prevent settling of (oo)cysts and algae for 24 h (a light:dark cycle of 16 h:8 h) at 20℃. The impact of D. pulicaria grazing on (oo)cysts was assessed by (i) (oo)cyst clearance rates, (ii) (oo)cyst viability, (iii) (oo)cyst excystation, and (iv) oocyst infectivity in cell culture. Two D. pulicaria grazers significantly decreased the total number of C. parvum oocysts by 52% and G. lamblia cysts by 44%. Furthermore, two D. pulicaria grazers significantly decreased C. parvum excystation and infectivity by 5% and 87%, respectively. Two D. pulicaria grazers significantly decreased the viability of G. lamblia cysts by 52%, but analysis of G. lamblia excystation was confounded by observed mechanical disruption of the cysts after grazing. No mechanical disruption of the C. parvum oocysts was observed, presumably due to their smaller size. The data provide strong evidence that zooplankton grazers have the potential to substantially decrease the population of infectious C. parvum and G. lamblia in freshwater ecosystems.
机译:关于浮游动物放牧蚤水蚤减少地表水中贾第鞭毛虫囊肿和小隐孢子虫卵囊种群的能力知之甚少。在三种放牧压力下(每66 ml 1个,2个或4个D. pucilaria放牧者)测试了D. pulicaria充当C. parvum和G. lamblia的生物过滤器的潜力。将(Oo)囊肿(每66毫升1×10〜4)与藻类食物七叶硒(Selenastrum capricornutum)(每66毫升6.6×10〜4细胞)一起添加到每个放牧瓶中,以刺激正常放牧。旋转瓶(2 rpm),以防止20℃(oo)囊肿和藻类沉降24 h(16h:8h的明暗循环)。通过(i)(oo)囊肿清除率,(ii)(oo)囊肿生存力,(iii)(oo)囊肿兴奋性和(iv)卵囊感染性评估了D. pulicaria放牧对(oo)囊肿的影响。细胞培养。两只D. pulicaria放牧者将小球藻卵囊的总数显着减少了52%,将兰伯球菌卵囊的总数减少了44%。此外,两个D. pulicaria放牧者分别显着降低了小球藻的兴奋性和感染性,分别降低了5%和87%。两只D. pulicaria放牧者显着降低了G. lamblia囊肿的存活率52%,但由于放牧后观察到的囊肿机械破坏,导致对G. lamblia囊肿的分析感到困惑。没有观察到小圆隐孢子虫卵囊的机械破坏,可能是由于它们的体积较小。数据提供了有力的证据,表明浮游动物放牧者有潜力大幅减少淡水生态系统中的传染性小球藻和小球藻。



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