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To evaluate or not: Evaluability study of 40 interventions of Belgian development cooperation


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Due to an increasing importance of evaluations within development cooperation, it has become all the more important to analyse if initial conditions for quality and relevant evaluations are met. This article presents the findings from an evaluability study of 40 interventions of Belgian development cooperation. A study framework was developed focusing on three key dimensions (i.e. theoretical evaluability, practical evaluability and the evaluation context) and subdivided over the different OECD/DAC criteria. Drawing upon a combination of desk and field research, the study framework was subsequently applied on a set of 40 interventions in Benin, DRC, Rwanda and Belgium. Findings highlight that the context dimension scores remarkably better than the theoretical and practical evaluability in particular. The large majority of the interventions have the conditions in place to satisfactorily evaluate effectiveness and efficiency while the opposite holds for sustainability and impact in particular. These findings caution against commissioning of evaluations that ritually focus on all OECD/DAC criteria regardless of their readiness. It underscores the usefulness of a flexible 'portfolio' approach towards evaluations, in which a more systematic use of evaluability assessment from the start of interventions could play a role.
机译:由于评价在发展合作中的重要性日益提高,因此分析是否满足质量和相关评价的初始条件就变得越来越重要。本文介绍了比利时发展合作的40项干预措施的可评估性研究结果。制定了一个研究框架,侧重于三个关键方面(即理论可评估性,实际可评估性和评估环境),并细分为不同的OECD / DAC标准。结合案头研究和实地研究,该研究框架随后应用于贝宁,刚果民主共和国,卢旺达和比利时的40项干预措施。调查结果突出表明,上下文维度的得分尤其比理论和实践的可评估性要好得多。绝大多数干预措施都具有令人满意地评估有效性和效率的条件,而相反的情况尤其适用于可持续性和影响。这些发现警告不要委托以礼仪为重点的经合组织/发援会所有标准,而不论其准备情况如何。它强调了灵活的“投资组合”方法对评估的有用性,在这种方法中,从干预开始就更系统地使用可评估性就可以发挥作用。



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