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Reconfiguring RTOS design for the IoT


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With the rollout of the Internet of Things, intelligent devices are proliferating, and they will all need processors, real-time operating systems, and applications to run on top of those operating systems. Today, design often begins with hardware, then moves on to the operating system and finally the app. Embedded systems designers can buy an operating system, but an off-the-shelf RTOS may be too complex and costly (often entailing royalties) for the project at hand. Consequently, said Bob Zeidman, president of Zeidman Technologies, over half of embedded software developers write their own operating systems. That presents its own problems-developers need operating-system expertise. Zeidman wants to ease that requirement by reconfiguring the whole design process. "What we want to do is enable you to write your applications in an abstract sense-you don't care what the hardware is, and you don't care what the operating system is," said Zeidman in an interview at the Embedded Systems Conference Boston in May. The enabling technology for this reconfiguration is the company's SynthOS tool, which allows embedded developers to automatically generate operating systems yet maintain full visibility into the code.
机译:随着物联网的推出,智能设备正在激增,它们都将需要处理器,实时操作系统和在这些操作系统之上运行的应用程序。如今,设计通常是从硬件开始的,然后转移到操作系统,最后是应用程序。嵌入式系统设计人员可以购买操作系统,但是现成的RTOS可能对于手头的项目而言过于复杂和昂贵(通常需要支付专利费)。因此,Zeidman Technologies总裁Bob Zeidman说,超过一半的嵌入式软件开发人员都编写自己的操作系统。这就提出了自己的问题-开发人员需要操作系统专业知识。 Zeidman希望通过重新配置整个设计过程来减轻这一需求。 “我们要做的就是使您能够以抽象的方式编写应用程序-不在乎硬件是什么,也不在乎操作系统是什么,” Zeidman在嵌入式系统公司的一次采访中说。五月份的波士顿会议。该重新配置的实现技术是该公司的SynthOS工具,该工具可使嵌入式开发人员自动生成操作系统,同时保持对代码的完全可见性。


  • 来源
    《Evaluation Engineering》 |2015年第8期|32-32|共1页
  • 作者

    Rick Nelson;

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  • 收录信息 美国《科学引文索引》(SCI);美国《工程索引》(EI);
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