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Council wants negotiated solution to Erika package


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The European Parliament's tactic to save the two Erika III legislative proposals cast aside by the Council is not to the liking of EU transport ministers. During the informal Council in La Rochelle, on 2 September, they made known their doubts - according to an expert questioned by Europolitics Environment - on MEPs' willingness to transfer a part of the amendments to the proposals deadlocked by the Council into their second reading reports on other, non-deadlocked proposals from the Erika package. The ministers are thinking rather of another solution, which will be examined in the Transport Council on 9 October in Luxembourg. The Parliament's tactic, however, was validated on 4 September by the Transport Committee, which gathered in Brussels to adopt the second reading reports on the Erika III package (further details in our next edition). After the debates over the revision of the Eurovignette Directive, 2 September in La Rochelle was principally dedicated to the future of the proposal on the civil liability of ship owners in the event of maritime pollution and the proposal on the obligations of the flag state. To recall, the stake is to transfer two International Maritime Organisation (IMO) conventions into Community law. But the vast majority of member states favour an international solution to a Community solution and reject what they consider as a transfer of competences. These positions, expressed during the Transport Council in April were reiterated in La Rochelle. With, according to the expert, an "opening" in that the delegations said that they are ready to look for a negotiated solution with the Parliament, and so not simply shelve the two texts or leave them to gather dust on the negotiating table.
机译:欧洲议会挽救理事会搁置的两项埃里卡三世立法提案的策略并不符合欧盟交通运输部长的喜好。据欧洲政治环境专家询问,在9月2日于拉罗谢尔举行的非正式理事会会议上,他们表示了自己的疑虑,他们对欧洲议会议员是否愿意将陷入僵局的提案的部分修正案转入其二读报告表示怀疑。以及来自Erika软件包的其他未锁定的建议。部长们正在考虑的是另一种解决方案,该方案将于10月9日在卢森堡的运输委员会中进行审议。但是,议会的策略在9月4日得到了运输委员会的认可,运输委员会聚集在布鲁塞尔,通过了关于Erika III计划的二读报告(更多细节将在下一版)。在就修订《欧洲航海指令》进行辩论之后,9月2日在拉罗谢尔举行了会议,主要讨论了船东在海上污染时承担民事责任的提案和船旗国义务的提案的未来。回想一下,最重要的是将两项国际海事组织(IMO)公约转换为共同体法律。但是,绝大多数成员国都赞成采用国际解决方案来解决共同体解决方案,并拒绝他们认为是权限的转移。拉罗谢尔重申了在四月运输理事会期间表达的这些立场。据这位专家称,这是“开场白”,因为各代表团表示他们准备与议会寻求谈判达成的解决方案,因此不仅要搁置两个案文,也不要让它们在谈判桌上积聚灰尘。



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