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Pharma producers worried about medicine intermediates


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The pharmaceuticals industry-a large consumer of chemical substances - is also concerned by the new EU chemical legislation, which it must apply as from 1 June. At the time of adoption of the REACH regulation, in December 2006, some of its representatives voiced fears of seeing a negative impact on the supply of small chemicals used in the manufacture of medicines. After a year's preparation, "these concerns are unchanged," states Dr David Taylor, in charge of follow-up on REACH for AstraZeneca and chairman of the Environment, Health and Safety Working Group at EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries Associations). Chemicals used in small amounts, such as colorants and bonding agents, are likely to be particularly affected. In his view, there is little doubt that certain intermediate substances will no longer be available on the market. According to AstraZeneca, that trend began even before the regulation entered into force. The new regulation will oblige laboratories to replace 1,500 of the most dangerous substances used in the manufacture of medicines with safer alternatives, except in cases where no safe alternative exists.
机译:制药行业(化学物质的大量消费者)也对新的欧盟化学法规表示关注,该法规必须从6月1日开始生效。在2006年12月通过REACH法规时,其一些代表表示担心会看到对药品生产中所用小化学品供应的负面影响。经过一年的准备,“这些担忧没有改变,”大卫·泰勒(David Taylor)博士说,他负责阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)REACH的后续行动以及EFPIA(欧洲制药工业协会)环境,健康与安全工作组主席。少量使用的化学药品,例如着色剂和粘合剂,可能会受到特别的影响。他认为,毫无疑问,某些中间物质将不再在市场上出售。据阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)称,这种趋势甚至在该法规生效之前就已经开始。新法规将要求实验室用更安全的替代品替代制造药物时使用的1,500种最危险物质,除非没有安全替代品。



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