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New Eurovignette proposal postponed till July


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It will ultimately be on 2 July - and not on 17 June -when the European Commission will present its new Eurovignette proposal, aiming to authorise member states to put in place toll roads for heavy goods vehicles in order to recover costs linked with pollution, noise and road congestion (modification of Directive 1999/62/EC). This will therefore take place under Antonio Tajani, the new Italian commissioner called on replace Jacques Barrot on the transport portfolio. The most recent version of the draft, which Europolitics Environment was able to procure (see link at the bottom of the article), shows that the Commission still intends to link this possibility with the obligation for member states to reinvest the revenues from these tolls into measures aiming to reduce pollution from road transport at the source (for example, research projects on clean vehicle or fuels), to reduce the effects of this pollution and develop alternative transport infrastructures.
机译:最终将在7月2日,而不是6月17日,当欧盟委员会提出其新的Eurovignette提案时,该提案旨在授权成员国建立重型货车的收费公路,以收回与污染,噪音相关的成本。和道路拥堵(1999/62 / EC指令的修改)。因此,这将在新任命的意大利专员安东尼奥·塔哈尼(Antonio Tajani)的领导下进行,他将取代运输业务组合上的雅克·巴罗特。欧洲政治环境能够获得的草案的最新版本(参见文章底部的链接)表明,委员会仍打算将这种可能性与成员国将这些通行费的收入重新投资到其上的义务联系起来。旨在从源头减少公路运输污染的措施(例如,有关清洁车辆或燃料的研究项目),以减少这种污染的影响并开发替代性运输基础设施。



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