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MEPs confirm ETS ambitions


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The negotiations between the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers will continue apace in coming weeks to try to reach an agreement on the controversial dossier on the inclusion of aviation in the European Emission Trading Scheme (ETS). The European Parliament's Environment Committee adopted, on 27 May, a report by Peter Liese (EPP-ED, Germany) which takes up most of the first reading amendments rejected by the Council of Ministers. The plenary session vote is planned for July and, lacking a compromise between the two institutions by then, no doubt the dossier will have to continue its path through the conciliation procedure. Before the press, Peter Liese did not hide that these negotiations would be arduous. A first informal trilogue is programmed for 4 June. The day before, the Parliament is organising a hearing which will gather all the actors concerned.
机译:欧洲议会与部长理事会之间的谈判将在未来几周内继续进行,以就有关将航空纳入欧洲排放交易计划(ETS)的争议档案达成协议。欧洲议会环境委员会于5月27日通过了彼得·里斯(Peter Liese,德国EPP-ED)的报告,该报告涵盖了大臣会议拒绝的大部分一读修正案。全体会议原定于7月份进行表决,届时两个机构之间将无法达成妥协,毫无疑问,案卷将不得不继续其通过调解程序的道路。在新闻界之前,彼得·里斯(Peter Liese)没有掩盖这些谈判将是艰巨的。计划在6月4日举行第一次非正式会谈。前一天,议会正在组织一次听证会,所有有关方面都将参加这次听证会。



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