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Commission strives to hold the line on GMOs


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Forced by an increasingly contradictory debate, particularly at member state level, between pro and anti-GMO states, the European Commission took stock of this subject which it admits is complex. During a debate in their meeting, on 7 May, the commissioners nonetheless particularly examined how to continue the current authorisation system despite its weaknesses. While noting that this system is the strictest in the world for the approval of genetically modified organisms, the Commission revealed that, in the Council, member states have more and more difficulties in making decisions on proposed authorisations for the processing and import of GMOs. It nonetheless intends to continue to assume its responsibilities and make the decisions within its competence on pending cases, under the comitology procedure, when the Council is not able to give a decision. It will continue to do so on the basis of scientific opinion and confirms its confidence in the quality of the European Food Safety Agency's (EFSA) advice.



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