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Commission forging ahead with review of procedure


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Without waiting for the opinions that it had itself solicited from scientific committees and citizens, the European Commission proposed, on 14 January, a revision of the 1997 Regulation EC 258/97 on novel foods, a text which touches on the delicate problem of foods containing products from animal cloning.rnIn order to do this, the EU executive says that it has taken account of technological developments, scientific opinions and experience acquired in the context of the legislation's application. But a spokes-rnperson specified that the Commission would wait till June for the opinions of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Group on Ethics (EGE) as well as the results of a Euroba-rometer survey on novel foods and goods derived from cloning. According to these opinions, the Commission could take other measures or modify its proposal, the spokesperson acknowledged.rnIn the text, novel foods are defined as foods and ingredients whose consumption remained negligible in the EU before May 1997, the date on which the regulation came into force1, foods produced throughrnnew technologies or foods consumed in other parts of the world but only a little in the Union.rnThe authorisation procedure will be centralised at the Commission through the EFSA. This centralisation will accelerate and standardise the authorisation procedure, while also making it transparent for applicants. Some provisions aim to protect the data on recently developed innovative foods.
机译:欧盟委员会没有等待它自己征求科学委员会和公民的意见,而是在1月14日提议对1997年关于新型食品的EC 258/97法规进行修订,该法规涉及含氟食品的微妙问题。为了做到这一点,欧盟执行官说,它已考虑到在立法实施过程中获得的技术发展,科学见解和经验。但是一位发言人指出,欧洲委员会将等到六月,等待欧洲食品安全局(EFSA)和欧洲道德组织(EGE)的意见,以及对新型食品和商品进行的Euroba-rometer调查的结果源自克隆。发言人承认,根据这些意见,欧洲委员会可以采取其他措施或修改其提案。rn在本文中,新食品的定义是在欧盟法规出台之日1997年5月之前其消费量可忽略不计的食品和配料。将通过新技术生产的食品或在世界其他地区消费的食品付诸实施,但在联盟中只有少量使用。授权程序将通过欧洲食品安全局集中在委员会上。这种集中化将加速和规范授权程序,同时也使申请程序透明。一些规定旨在保护有关最新开发的创新食品的数据。



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