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Meps Call For Overhaul Of Quota System


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The European Parliament urges the European Commission to reconsider the present system of total allowable catches (TACs) and quotas and "its usefulness given the present fishing restrictions". On 13 January, the assembly adopted by a very wide majority (557 to 48, with 12 abstentions) an own-initiative report by Pedro Guerreiro (GUE-NGL, Portugal).rnIt reiterates that the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) and the ecosystem approach it defends must ensure sustainable exploitation of fish resources, taking environmental, economic and social aspects on board.rnThe report follows on from the Commission's communication on 'The role of the CFP in implementing an ecosystem approach to marine management', in preparation for a reform of the CFP by 2012. While recognising that fisheries management tools based on TACs have a direct impact on catches and an indirect impact on fishing effort, the report notes that management of fishing effort is needed. It urges the Commission to study the different instruments for managing marine resources, "ensuring that existing instruments will not be changed until an alternative that ensures a more adequate exploitation of fisheries resources becomes available".
机译:欧洲议会敦促欧洲委员会重新考虑现行的总允许捕捞量和配额制度,并“考虑到目前的捕捞限制条件,其用途”。 1月13日,大会以绝大多数票(557票至48票,12票弃权)通过了Pedro Guerreiro(葡萄牙GUE-NGL)的主动报告.rn重申共同渔业政策(CFP)和生态系统它捍卫的方法必须确保渔业资源的可持续开发,并考虑到环境,经济和社会方面。rn该报告摘自委员会关于“ CFP在实施生态系统方法在海洋管理中的作用”的来文,为该报告指出,基于TAC的渔业管理工具对捕捞量有直接影响,对捕捞活动有间接影响,但该报告指出,需要对捕捞活动进行管理。它敦促委员会研究管理海洋资源的各种手段,“确保在确保有更充分利用渔业资源的替代办法之前,现有手段不会改变”。



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