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Rapporteur lashes out at Council's 'weak' conclusions


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The conclusions adopted by member states at the 19 December 2011 Council are "weak" on biodiversity. Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy (ALDE, Netherlands), rapporteur for the European Parliament's Committee on the Environment (ENVI) - and its new deputy chair - opened the presentation of his draft report on the new EU biodiversity strategy to 2020 with this denunciation of member states' lack of political will. He set the tone for the ensuing debate. His own-initiative report stresses the need for the European Union to adopt a clear and practical approach, and an action plan rather than guidelines, while inviting member states to show more political commitment, ambition and courage. The idea is to keep from having to reach the same conclusion in 2020 as in 2010, namely that the Union failed by a long shot to achieve its objectives.
机译:成员国在2011年12月19日的理事会上通过的结论在生物多样性方面“很弱”。欧洲议会环境委员会(ENVI)的报告人Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy(荷兰ALDE)及其新的副主席在致辞时宣布了他关于2020年新欧盟生物多样性战略的报告草稿缺乏政治意愿。他为随后的辩论定下了基调。他自己的倡议报告强调,欧洲联盟需要采取明确和实际的方法,并采取行动计划而不是准则,同时邀请成员国表现出更多的政治承诺,雄心和勇气。这样做的目的是避免在2020年达到与2010年相同的结论,即国际联盟为实现其目标而长期失败。



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