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Gigaliners: In TRAN debate, sides won't budge


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The subject of gigaliners, the giant trucks about which so much has been written in recent months (for or against their cross-border circulation) still sparks impassioned debate, as seen once again in the European Parliament, on 5 September. In the Committee on Transport (TRAN), on 5 September, a new study on their potential impact was presented. Carried out by consultants at Steer Davies Gleave, it compiles the results of several earlier studies and reaches conclusions that do not please all opponents of these vehicles. It notes, for instance, that their use could have a positive impact on road safety or could bring improvements in terms of CO_2 emissions. The general conclusion is that "there are clear benefits associated with longer heavier vehicles and the question for policy makers is whether the more uncertain disadvantages are likely to materialise".
机译:正如最近在9月5日在欧洲议会中再次看到的那样,在过去数月间写有如此多的巨型卡车(支持或反对跨国界流通)的超大型货车的主题仍然是激昂主义者。 9月5日,在运输委员会(TRAN)中,提出了关于其潜在影响的新研究。它由Steer Davies Gleave的顾问执行,汇总了一些早期研究的结果,得出的结论并不令所有反对这些车辆的人满意。它指出,例如,它们的使用可能对道路安全产生积极影响,或可以改善CO_2排放量。总的结论是:“较长的重型车辆具有明显的好处,而政策制定者所面临的问题是,更不确定的不利条件是否有可能实现”。



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