首页> 外文期刊>European journal of political economy >Unbundling the roles of human capital and institutions in economic development

Unbundling the roles of human capital and institutions in economic development


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This research uses predicted genetic diversity unadjusted for the ancestral composition of current populations, as a plausible source of exogenous variations for indicators of economic institutions. While genetic diversity has a robust, concave and significant effect on economic institutions, reduced-form regressions and numerous falsification tests ostensibly suggest that genetic diversity affects development only via indices of multidimensional measures of economic institutions. Second-stage results indicate that allowing for cognitive skills, latitude and ethno-diversity, economic institutions exert a positive and strongly statistically significant effect on development. These findings are robust to the inclusion of deep and proximate growth determinants, different measures of geography, institutions, and horse races between cognitive skills and economic freedom, as well as to the use of different estimators. Human capital, gauged by cognitive skills, in most specifications is not significant in the second stage; however, it is positive and a strong significant predictor of economic institutions in the first stage. The empirical evidence unveiled in this study lends credence to the primacy of economic institutions hypothesis to ignite long-term growth and highlights the crucial role of human capital in enhancing economic institutional quality. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
机译:这项研究使用的预测遗传多样性未经调整以适应当前人口的祖先构成,可以作为经济机构指标外生变异的合理来源。虽然遗传多样性对经济制度具有强大,凹入和显着的影响,但简化形式的回归和大量的证伪测试表面上表明,遗传多样性仅通过经济制度的多维衡量指标来影响发展。第二阶段的结果表明,考虑到认知技能,纬度和种族多样性,经济制度对发展产生了积极的且具有统计学意义的显着影响。这些发现对于包括深远的增长决定因素,认知技能和经济自由之间的地理,制度和赛马的不同度量,以及使用不同的估计量是有力的。在第二阶段,以认知技能衡量的人力资本在大多数情况下并不重要。然而,在第一阶段,它是积极的,并且是经济机构的重要预测指标。这项研究中揭示的经验证据证明了经济制度假说点燃长期增长的重要性,并强调了人力资本在提高经济制度质量中的关键作用。 (C)2016作者。由Elsevier B.V.发布



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