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Dead wood volume to dead wood carbon: the issue of conversion factors


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Requirements for emission reporting under the Kyoto protocol demand an estimate of the dead wood carbon pool in forests. The volume of dead wood consists of coarse woody debris, smaller woody debris and dead roots. The measurement of dead wood volume was included in the most recent National Forest Inventory in Switzerland. To convert dead wood volume into carbon two conversion factors are required: (a) carbon (C) concentration and (b) wood density. So far internationally accepted default values for C concentration (50%) and for wood density (density of alive trees) were used as default values to estimate dead wood carbon, since local measurements were lacking. However, in a field study at 34 sites in Switzerland, the C concentration and density of CWD from Picea abies and Fagus sylvatica of four decay classes were measured recently. The results showed that C concentration in CWD differed significantly between species but did not change due to decay class. The density of CWD decreased significantly with an increase in decay class and it also differed between species. The decrease in CWD density was more pronounced for F. sylvatica than for P. abies. We assessed correlations between climate attributes and CWD density using regression analysis. The modeled densities and measured C concentrations were then expanded with the help of CWD volume data from the NFI3. Spruce CWD and thus spruce CWD carbon is much more abundant in Swiss forests than beech CWD carbon. The majority of spruce CWD is located in the Alps and Pre-Alps. The CWD volume from P. abies was 10 times higher than that from F. sylvatica. Thus, changes in conversion factors for P. abies CWD affected the overall estimate of dead wood carbon in Swiss forests much more than changes in conversion factors for F. sylvatica CWD. Current improvements in CWD conversion factors decreased the estimated amount of spruce CWD carbon by 23.1% and that of beech by 47.6%. The estimated amount of CWD carbon in Swiss forests is decreased by 31%. Since improved estimation methods are currently not applied to smaller woody debris and dead root material, the estimated amount of dead wood carbon is only reduced by 15%. Improving conversion factors for all dead wood fractions would presumably decrease the amount of dead wood carbon by additional 16%.
机译:根据《京都议定书》的排放报告要求,需要估算森林中的死木碳库。死木的体积包括粗木屑,较小的木屑和死根。死木量的测量包括在瑞士最新的国家森林清单中。要将死木体积转换为碳,需要两个转换因子:(a)碳(C)浓度和(b)木材密度。由于缺乏局部测量,到目前为止,国际上公认的C浓度(50%)和木材密度(活树密度)的默认值被用作估计死木碳的默认值。但是,在瑞士的34个站点进行的一项现场研究中,最近测量了来自四个衰变类别的云杉和云杉的CWD的碳浓度和密度。结果表明,CWD中的C浓度在物种之间存在显着差异,但由于衰变类别而没有变化。 CWD的密度随着衰变类别的增加而显着降低,并且在物种之间也有所不同。与西伯利亚冷杉相比,F。sylvatica的CWD密度下降更为明显。我们使用回归分析评估了气候属性与CWD密度之间的相关性。然后借助NFI3的CWD体积数据扩展模型密度和测得的C浓度。在瑞士森林中,云杉CWD和云杉CWD碳比山毛榉CWD碳丰富得多。大多数云杉CWD位于阿尔卑斯山和阿尔卑斯山前。来自冷杉的CWD量比来自西番莲的CWD量高10倍。因此,瑞士假单胞菌CWD的转换因子的变化对瑞士森林中死木碳的总体估计的影响远大于西尔瓦希菌CWD的转换因子的变化。当前CWD转换因子的改进使云杉CWD碳的估计量减少了23.1%,而山毛榉的碳的估计量减少了47.6%。瑞士森林中的CWD碳估计量减少了31%。由于目前改进的估算方法尚未应用于较小的木屑和死根物质,因此估算的死木碳量仅减少了15%。改善所有死木馏分的转化率可能会使死木碳量减少16%。



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