首页> 外文期刊>The European journal of finance >A formula for the economic value of return predictability

A formula for the economic value of return predictability


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This paper provides a formula for a commonly used measure of the economic value of asset return predictability. In doing this, we find that there is a strong connection between this measure and a traditional statistical measure of predictive quality. In particular, we demonstrate that the maximum amount an investor is willing to pay for predictability knowledge (the performance fee) is a simple transformation of the R2 statistic associated with the predictor equation. We illustrate the use of these results with an application to the Ibbotson US bond and equity data (and a set of pertinent predictors), and via application to the results published in Fama and French [1988. Dividend yields and expected stock returns. Journal of Financial Economics 22: 3-25], Balvers, Cosimano, and McDonald [1990. Predicting stock returns in an efficient market. Journal of Finance 45: 1109-28], Lettau and Ludvigson [2001. Consumption, aggregate wealth and expected stock returns. Journal of Finance 56: 815-49], and Santa-Clara and Yan [2010. Crashes, volatility, and the equity premium: Lessons from S&P 500 options. Review of Economics and Statistics 92:435-51].
机译:本文为资产收益可预测性的经济价值提供了常用的度量公式。通过这样做,我们发现此度量与传统的预测质量统计度量之间有很强的联系。特别是,我们证明了投资者愿意为可预测性知识支付的最高金额(性能费)是与预测器方程相关的R2统计量的简单转换。我们通过将这些结果应用于Ibbotson美国债券和股票数据(以及一组相关的预测变量),以及通过应用于在Fama和French [1988年发表的结果]中,来说明这些结果的使用。股息收益率和预期的股票收益率。金融经济学杂志22:3-25],Balvers,Cosimano和McDonald [1990年。预测有效市场中的股票收益。金融杂志45:1109-28],莱塔(Lutau)和路德维森(Ludvigson)[2001年。消费,总财富和预期股票收益。金融杂志56:815-49],以及圣塔克拉拉和严[2010。崩溃,波动率和股票溢价:标准普尔500期权的经验教训。经济与统计评论92:435-51]。



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