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Long term care insurance pricing in Spanish population: a functional data approach


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Developed and developing countries are experiencing the consequences of an ever-increasing elderly population, including the challenges of chronic illness, disability, dependency and long term care. All over the world, more people are surviving diseases that were fatal some decades ago. Dependency can be seen as a consequence of the process of gradual aging. In a health context, this contingency is defined as a lack of autonomy in performing basic activities of daily living that requires the care of another person or significant help. In this work we propose a stand-alone insurance, focused on the necessities of the eligible dependent people in Spain, taking into account their health evolution along their lives, in order to enhance the net premium calculation. We use information from the Spanish survey EDAD 2008. The main finding is that, a policyholder can choose to underwrite among three kinds of coverages, going from a minimum to a maximum level of protection, the latter's premium being more than twice the former's, regardless of the onset of dependency.
机译:发达国家和发展中国家正在经历老年人口不断增加的后果,包括慢性病,残疾,抚养和长期护理的挑战。在世界范围内,越来越多的人幸存下来的疾病是几十年前致命的。依赖性可以看作是逐渐老化过程的结果。在健康方面,这种偶然性被定义为在进行需要他人照顾或提供大量帮助的日常基本活动时缺乏自主权。在这项工作中,我们提出了一项独立的保险,重点关注西班牙合格受抚养人的必要性,并考虑其一生的健康状况,以提高净保费计算。我们使用来自西班牙EDAD 2008调查的信息。主要发现是,保单持有人可以选择承保范围从最小到最大的三种保险,无论哪种情况,后者的保费都是前者的两倍以上。依赖的开始。



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