首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Control >A feedback control perspective on biological control of dengue vectors by Wolbachia infection

A feedback control perspective on biological control of dengue vectors by Wolbachia infection


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Controlling diseases such as dengue fever, chikungunya and zika fever by introduction of the intracellular parasitic bacterium Wolbachia in mosquito populations which are their vectors, is presently quite a promising tool to reduce their spread. While description of the conditions of such experiments has received ample attention from biologists, entomologists and applied mathematicians, the issue of effective scheduling of the releases remains an interesting problem. Having in mind the important uncertainties present in the dynamics of the two populations in interaction, we attempt here to identify general ideas for building feedback-based release strategies, enforceable to a variety of models and situations. These principles are exemplified by several feedback control laws whose stabilizing properties are demonstrated, illustrated numerically and compared, when applied to a model retrieved from [P.-A. Bliman et al., Ensuring successful introduction of Wolbachia in natural populations of Aedes aegypti by means of feedback control. J. of Math. Bio. 76(5):1269 & ndash;130 0, 2018]. The contribution is believed to be also of potential interest to tackle other important issues related to the biological control of vectors and pests. A crucial use of the theory of monotone dynamical systems is made in the derivations.(c) 2020 European Control Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:通过引入作为其载体的蚊子种群的细胞内寄生虫细菌Wolbachia,控制疾病,如蚊虫寄生虫狼疮,目前是一种减少蔓延的有希望的工具。虽然这些实验的条件的描述已经受到生物学家,昆虫学家和应用数学家的充分关注,但有效安排的问题仍然是一个有趣的问题。考虑到在互动的两个人群动态中存在的重要不确定性,我们尝试在此识别用于建立基于反馈的释放策略的一般思想,可用于各种模型和情况。这些原理通过若干反馈控制规律举例说明,其稳定性能被证明,在数值和比较时,当应用于从[p.-a.检索的模型时。 Bliman等人,通过反馈控制确保在Aedes Aegypti的自然群体中成功引入Wolbachia。 J.数学。生物。 76(5):1269– 130 0,2018]。贡献据信也是解决与患有载体和害虫的生物控制有关的其他重要问题的潜在兴趣。在衍生过程中制造了单调动力系统理论的重要使用。(c)2020欧洲控制协会。 elsevier有限公司出版。保留所有权利。



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