首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Communication >Gregory Ferrell Lowe and Jo Bardoel (eds)

Gregory Ferrell Lowe and Jo Bardoel (eds)

机译:Gregory Ferrell Lowe和Jo Bardoel(编辑)

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This important collection of articles is the product of the 2006 RIPE conference, which took place in Amsterdam and Hilversum. The organization (Re-Visionary Interpretations of the Public Enterprise) has Finnish origins and is committed to bringing together researchers, scholars and public service broadcasters interested in the public service principle in the 21st century. The conferences are biennial and in the alternate year a reader is published based on the proceedings. Each conference is co-hosted by a national public service broadcaster and a university; in 2006 the partners were Netherlands Public Broadcasting and the University of Amsterdam.
机译:这些重要的文章集是在阿姆斯特丹和希尔弗瑟姆举行的2006 RIPE会议的产物。该组织(公共企业的远见解说)起源于芬兰,致力于将对21世纪的公共服务原理感兴趣的研究人员,学者和公共服务广播公司召集在一起。这些会议是两年一次的会议,隔年则根据会议记录出版读者。每次会议都是由国家公共广播公司和一所大学共同主持的; 2006年,合作伙伴是荷兰公共广播和阿姆斯特丹大学。



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