首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Applied Physiology >Skeletal muscle glycogen content and particle size of distinct subcellular localizations in the recovery period after a high-level soccer match

Skeletal muscle glycogen content and particle size of distinct subcellular localizations in the recovery period after a high-level soccer match


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Whole muscle glycogen levels remain low for a prolonged period following a soccer match. The present study was conducted to investigate how this relates to glycogen content and particle size in distinct subcellular localizations. Seven high-level male soccer players had a vastus lateralis muscle biopsy collected immediately after and 24, 48, 72 and 120 h after a competitive soccer match. Transmission electron microscopy was used to estimate the subcellular distribution of glycogen and individual particle size. During the first day of recovery, glycogen content increased by ~60% in all subcellular localizations, but during the subsequent second day of recovery glycogen content located within the myofibrils (Intramyofibrillar glycogen, a minor deposition constituting 10–15% of total glycogen) did not increase further compared with an increase in subsarcolemmal glycogen (−7 vs. +25%, respectively, P = 0.047). Conversely, from the second to the fifth day of recovery, glycogen content increased (53%) within the myofibrils compared to no change in subsarcolemmal or intermyofibrillar glycogen (P 0.005). Independent of location, increment in particle size preceded increment in number of particles. Intriguingly, average particle size decreased; however, in the period from 3 to 5 days after the match. These findings suggest that glycogen storage in skeletal muscle is influenced by subcellular localization-specific mechanisms, which account for an increase in number of glycogen particles located within the myofibrils in the period from 2 to 5 days after the soccer match.
机译:足球比赛后,整个肌肉的糖原水平长期处于较低水平。进行本研究以研究这与糖原含量和颗粒大小在不同的亚细胞定位中的关系。七名高水平的男足球运动员在比赛后以及比赛后24、48、72和120小时立即进行了股外侧肌活检。透射电子显微镜用于估计糖原的亚细胞分布和个体粒径。在恢复的第一天,所有亚细胞定位的糖原含量增加了约60%,但是在恢复的第二天,位于肌原纤维中的糖原含量(肌原纤维内糖原,占总糖原的10-15%的少量沉积)确实与肌膜下糖原的增加相比没有进一步的增加(分别为-7对+ 25%,P = 0.047)。相反,从恢复的第二天到第五天,肌原纤维内糖原含量增加(53%),而肌膜下或肌原纤维间糖原没有变化(P <0.005)。与位置无关,颗粒大小的增加先于颗粒数目的增加。有趣的是,平均粒径减小了。但是,在比赛后的3到5天内。这些发现表明,骨骼肌中糖原的储存受到亚细胞定位特异性机制的影响,这解释了足球比赛后2至5天内位于肌原纤维中的糖原颗粒数目的增加。



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