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Too Hot to Handle? The Democratic Challenge of Climate Change


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At the time of writing this review, we have witnessed governments and institutions scrambling with varying degrees of success to respond to the coronavirus pandemic. It is not hard to draw comparisons with another global emergency - namely the climate crisis. In both cases, we have seen a marked reluctance from many of those in positions of power to disrupt the status quo in addressing the situations at hand, even with thousands of lives at risk. In the US, the Trump administration, having rolled back environmental protection laws and withdrawn the nation from the Paris Agreement in the name of the American economy, now contends with the necessity of shuttering the selfsame economy (Baker et al., 2020). Brazil's President Bolsonaro, long dismissive of the value of nature conservation efforts, has come under fire for dismissing Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) as a 'little flu' (Phillips, 2020). While the threat from COVID-19 is immediately apparent to most, that of climate change is no less urgent. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has warned the world that there is limited time in which to act in order to limit the planet to 1.5°C of warming from preindustrial levels. The consequences of inaction are likely to exacerbate already-documented phenomena such as extreme weather events and ocean acidification (IPCC, 2018). However, as with COVID-19, the global political response to climate change can arguably be characterized as ineffectively slow. Greater action is needed but as Rebecca Willis writes in her recent book Too Hot to Handle? The Democratic Challenge of Climate Change, there is a significant gap between scientific and social perceptions of the issue's severity. In the face of this gap and the ensuing political inertia, what is the best strategy for governing climate change?
机译:在撰写本次审议时,我们目睹了各国政府和机构争夺争夺不同程度的成功,以应对冠状病毒大流行。利用另一个全球紧急情况绘制比较并不难 - 即气候危机。在这两种情况下,我们已经看到了许多人在权力境地中的许多人,以破坏解决手头的情况的现状,即使有成千上万的风险。在美国,特朗普政府,在美国经济的名义中撤回了环境保护法,并从巴黎协定中撤回了国家,现在争夺了自我叠加经济的必要性(Baker等,2020)。巴西的主席Bolsonaro,长时间消除了自然保护努力的价值,因审查冠状病毒疾病2019(Covid-19)作为“小流感”(菲利普斯,2020年)而受到火灾。虽然Covid-19的威胁是大多数人立即显而易见的,但气候变化的迫切不那么紧迫。政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)警告了世界,即采取行动的时间有限,以将地球限制在预工业水平的升温1.5°C。无所作为的后果可能会加剧已经记录的现象,如极端天气事件和海洋酸化(IPCC,2018)。然而,与Covid-19一样,对气候变化的全球政治反应可以可以说是无效的速度。需要更大的行动,但由于丽贝卡威利斯在她最近的书中写的太热了?气候变化的民主挑战,科学和社会认可之间存在显着差距。面对这种差距和随后的政治惯性,如何治国气候变化是什么?



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