首页> 外文期刊>European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience >Correlations between ventricular enlargement and gray and white matter volumes of cortex, thalamus, striatum, and internal capsule in schizophrenia

Correlations between ventricular enlargement and gray and white matter volumes of cortex, thalamus, striatum, and internal capsule in schizophrenia


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Ventricular enlargement is one of the most consistent abnormal structural brain findings in schizophrenia and has been used to infer brain shrinkage. However, whether ventricular enlargement is related to local overlying cortex and/or adjacent subcortical structures or whether it is related to brain volume change globally has not been assessed. We systematically assessed interrelations of ventricular volumes with gray and white matter volumes of 40 Brodmann areas (BAs), the thalamus and its medial dorsal nucleus and pulvinar, the internal capsule, caudate and putamen. We acquired structural MRI ( patients with schizophrenia (n = 64) and healthy controls (n = 56)) and diffusion tensor fractional anisotropy (FA) (untreated schizophrenia n = 19, controls n = 32). Volumes were assessed by manual tracing of central structures and a semi-automated parcellation of BAs. Patients with schizophrenia had increased ventricular size associated with decreased cortical gray matter volumes widely across the brain; a similar but less pronounced pattern was seen in normal controls; local correlations (e.g. temporal horn with temporal lobe volume) were not appreciably higher than non-local correlations (e.g. temporal horn with prefrontal volume). White matter regions adjacent to the ventricles similarly did not reveal strong regional relationships. FA and center of mass of the anterior limb of the internal capsule also appeared differentially influenced by ventricular volume but findings were similarly not regional. Taken together, these findings indicate that ventricular enlargement is globally interrelated with gray matter volume diminution but not directly correlated with volume loss in the immediately adjacent caudate, putamen, or internal capsule.
机译:心室扩大是精神分裂症中最一致的异常结构性大脑发现之一,已被用来推断脑萎缩。但是,尚未评估心室扩大是否与局部上覆皮层和/或相邻的皮质下结构有关,或者是否与全球脑容量变化有关。我们系统地评估了40个布罗德曼区域(BAs),丘脑及其内侧背核和肺泡,内囊,尾状和壳状核的灰质和白质体积与心室体积的相互关系。我们获得了结构性MRI(患有精神分裂症的患者(n = 64)和健康对照组(n = 56))和扩散张量分数各向异性(FA)(未经治疗的精神分裂症n = 19,对照组n = 32)。通过手动跟踪中心结构和半自动BA分解来评估体积。精神分裂症患者的脑室尺寸增加,整个大脑的皮质灰质减少。在正常对照中观察到相似但不太明显的模式;局部相关性(例如具有颞叶体积的颞角)并不明显高于非局部相关性(例如具有前额叶体积的颞角)。类似地,与脑室相邻的白质区域也没有显示出牢固的区域关系。 FA和内囊前肢的质心也似乎受心室容积的影响不同,但结果类似地不在区域内。综上所述,这些发现表明,脑室扩大与灰质体积减少总体相关,但与紧邻的尾状,壳状核蛋白或内囊的体积损失并不直接相关。



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