首页> 外文期刊>European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology >Voice improvement in unilateral laryngeal paralysis during loud voicing: theoretical impact

Voice improvement in unilateral laryngeal paralysis during loud voicing: theoretical impact


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Voice of patient with unilateral laryngeal paralysis (ULP) shows a nonlinear behaviour with sudden octave jumps, bifurcations and chaos. Such a behaviour may be due to an increased number of freedom degrees in the glottal system. We hypothesized that voice intensity (with increasing sub glottal pressure) could improve vocal signal stability with less freedom degrees in vibrating system, and then a decrease of nonlinearities. A prospective study of 32 consecutive voices of patients with ULP and severe dysphonia was conducted. Jitter and Lyapunov exponent from vocal signals were compared at comfortable and loud voicing with Wilcoxon’s test. In 23 out of 32 patients, jitter significantly decreased from 5 (median) in normal voice to 1.2 in loud voice (P < 10?3), Lyapunov exponent decreased from 1,495 bit/s (median) to 708 bit/s (P < 10?4). Two patients had paradoxical results regarding jitter (higher in loud voice) and 2 regarding Lyapunov exponent. From the 23 cases of voice improvement, 15 cases showing a marked improvement of the acoustic analysis supported our hypothesis (65%). Nonlinear phenomena detected in vocal signals of ULP with severe dysphonia may be reduced in loud voice.
机译:单侧喉麻痹(ULP)患者的声音表现出非线性行为,伴有突然的八度音阶跳跃,分叉和混乱。这种行为可能是由于声门系统中的自由度增加所致。我们假设语音强度(随着声门下压力的增加)可以改善声音信号的稳定性,降低振动系统的自由度,从而减少非线性。一项前瞻性研究对32例ULP和重度言语障碍患者的连续声音进行了研究。将声音信号的抖动和Lyapunov指数与Wilcoxon的测试在舒适而响亮的发声中进行了比较。在32名患者中,有23名患者的抖动从正常声音的5(中位数)显着降低到大声音的1.2(P <10?3 ),李雅普诺夫指数从1,495 bit / s(中位数)降低到708 bit / s(P <10?4 )。两名患者在抖动(声音较高)方面有矛盾的结果,而在Lyapunov指数方面有2例。从23例声音改善病例中,有15例显示声学分析显着改善,支持了我们的假设(65%)。大声语音可能会减少在带有严重音调异常的ULP语音信号中检测到的非线性现象。



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