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Image-based phenotyping: use of colour signature in evaluation of melon fruit colour


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Fruit colour, both external and internal, is important because it relates directly to the commercial value of the product. In breeding and in pre- and postharvest studies of fruit colour, an effective method for evaluating colour is needed to replace subjective evaluations by eye. We used a series of data processing and statistical analyses used in content-based image retrieval to evaluate melon flesh colour, and assessed the efficacy of this approach. This method relies on summarizing colour information from images into colour signatures, calculating the earth mover’s distance (EMD) between colour signatures, and multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) based on an EMD matrix. Performing MDS on a set of fruit flesh images revealed important colour features, such as the yellowish-green strength in green-fleshed melons and the relative size of the green and red parts in red-fleshed melons, without the need for an explicit definition of these features. The proportion of variance due to differences among cultivars was higher by MDS than by traditional evaluation, indicating that this new method performed best at detecting colour differences among cultivars. The method provides effective, objective indicators of fruit colour, and shows considerable promise for use in research and breeding programs. Keywords Cucumis melo L. - Earth mover’s distance - Image analysis - Multi-dimensional scaling
机译:外部和内部的水果颜色都很重要,因为它直接关系到产品的商业价值。在育种以及水果颜色的收获前和收获后研究中,需要一种有效的颜色评估方法来代替肉眼的主观评估。我们在基于内容的图像检索中使用了一系列数据处理和统计分析,以评估瓜肉的颜色,并评估了该方法的有效性。此方法依赖于将图像中的颜色信息汇总为颜色签名,计算颜色签名之间的推土机距离(EMD),并基于EMD矩阵进行多维缩放(MDS)。在一组果肉图像上执行MDS揭示了重要的颜色特征,例如绿色肉瓜的黄绿色强度和红色肉瓜的绿色和红色部分的相对大小,而无需明确定义这些功能。与传统的评估相比,MDS所导致的因品种间差异而导致的差异比例更高,这表明该新方法在检测品种间颜色差异方面表现最佳。该方法提供了有效,客观的水果色指示剂,并显示出可用于研究和育种计划的巨大希望。关键字Cucumis melo L.-推土机的距离-图像分析-多维缩放



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