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Migration dynamics of clupeoids in the Schelde estuary: A stable isotope approach


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Large numbers of young of the year herring (Clupea harengus L.) and sprat (Sprattus sprattus (L.)) typically enter and remain within North Sea estuaries during the winter months. The main purpose of this study was to examine their migration dynamics between the North Sea and the Schelde estuary using C and N stable isotopes. Prior to this, stomach contents were used to verify the isotopic differences between the food sources at the sampling stations. From May 2000 to April 2001 fish were collected monthly in the upper and lower estuary. Muscle tissue and stomach contents were analyzed for δ~(13)C and δ~(15)N using an EA-IRMS. Based on the stomach contents, it was demonstrated that δ~(15)N could not be used as a tracer for fish migration because the longitudinal estuarine δ~(15)N gradient had reversed completely during autumn. The δ~(13)C gradient, however, was found to be reliable for studying fish movement in the Schelde estuary. Seasonal movements of clupeoids in the Schelde estuary were analyzed by separating the temporal abundance patterns into migration groups based on their muscle isotopic composition. Immigration and emigration seem to occur continuously throughout the year. Most exchange occurred in November. During winter, immigration remained high but gradually decreased. Although the herring and sprat abundance further declined in the estuary during February and March, large seaward emigration was not fully demonstrated. As temporal overlap between immigration and emigration is concluded the results support the hypothesis that migration to estuarine nurseries is individually based.
机译:通常在冬季,大量的鲱鱼(Clupea harengus L.)和鲱鱼(Sprattus sprattus(L.))进入并留在北海河口。这项研究的主要目的是使用C和N稳定同位素研究它们在北海和Schelde河口之间的迁移动力学。在此之前,使用胃内容物来验证采样站食物来源之间的同位素差异。从2000年5月到2001年4月,每月在上河口和下河口收集鱼。使用EA-IRMS分析肌肉组织和胃内容物的δ〜(13)C和δ〜(15)N。根据胃的内容,证明了秋季河口的δ〜(15)N梯度完全反转,因此δ〜(15)N不能作为鱼类迁移的示踪剂。然而,发现δ〜(13)C梯度对于研究舍尔德河口的鱼类运动是可靠的。通过将时空丰度模式根据其肌肉同位素组成分为迁移组,来分析Schelde河口的类固醇的季节性运动。移民和移民似乎全年持续发生。多数交换发生在11月。在冬季,移民人数居高不下,但逐渐减少。尽管在2月和3月,河口鲱鱼和鲱鱼的丰度进一步下降,但是并没有充分显示出大规模的向海移民。得出结论,移民与移民之间在时间上有重叠,结果支持以下假设:移民到河口苗圃是基于个人的。



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