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Effects of the weight configuration of hand load on trunk musculature during static weight holding


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The performance of manual material handling tasks is one major cause of lower back injuries. In the current study, we investigated the influence of the weight configuration of hand loads on trunk muscle activities and the associated spinal stability. Thirteen volunteers each performed static weight-holding tasks using two different 9kg weight bars (with medial and lateral weight configurations) at two levels of height (low and high) and one fixed horizontal distance (which resulted in constant spinal joint moment across conditions). Results of the current study demonstrated that holding the laterally distributed load significantly reduced activation levels of lumbar and abdominal muscles by 9-13% as compared with holding the medially distributed load. We believe such an effect is due to an elevated rotational moment of inertia when the weight of the load is laterally distributed. These findings suggest that during the design and assessment of manual material handling tasks, such as lifting and carrying, the weight configuration of the hand load should be considered.Practitioner summary: Elevated trunk muscle activities were found when holding a medially distributed load vs. a laterally distributed load (with an equivalent external moment to the spine), indicating a reduced spinal stability due to the reduced rotational moment of inertia. The configuration of the hand load should be considered when evaluating manual material handling tasks.
机译:手动执行物料搬运任务是导致下背部受伤的主要原因之一。在当前的研究中,我们调查了手负重的配置对躯干肌肉活动和相关的脊柱稳定性的影响。 13名志愿者分别使用两个不同的9kg重量棒(内侧和外侧重量配置)以两个高度(低和高)和一个固定的水平距离(这导致在各种情况下产生恒定的脊柱力矩)执行静态举重任务。当前的研究结果表明,与保持内侧分布负荷相比,保持外侧分布负荷显着降低了腰椎和腹肌的激活水平9-13%。我们认为,这种影响是由于当负载的重量横向分布时转动惯量增加。这些发现表明,在设计和评估手动物料搬运任务(例如提起和搬运)时,应考虑手部负载的重量配置。从业人员摘要:在保持内侧分散负载时,躯干肌肉活动增加。横向分布的载荷(与脊柱具有相同的外部力矩),表明由于转动惯量减小而导致脊柱稳定性下降。在评估手动物料搬运任务时,应考虑手动负载的配置。



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