首页> 外文期刊>Epidemiology and Infection >HIV-1 and HIV-2 prevalence and associated risk factors among postnatal women in Harare, Zimbabwe

HIV-1 and HIV-2 prevalence and associated risk factors among postnatal women in Harare, Zimbabwe


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Studies of antenatal women form the predominant source of data on HIV-1 prevalence in Africa. Identifying factors associated with prevalent HIV is important in targeting diagnostic services and care. Between November 1997 and January 2000, 14 110 postnatal women from Harare, Zimbabwe were tested by ELISAs reactive to both HIV-1 and HIV-2; a subset of positive samples was confirmed with assays specific for HIV-1 and HIV-2. Baseline characteristics were elicited and modelled to identify risk factors for prevalent HIV infection. HIV-1 and HIV-2 prevalences were 32·0% (95% CI 31·2-32·8) and 1-3% (95% CI 1·1-1·5), respectively; 4% of HIV-1-positive and 99% of HIV-2-positive women were co-infected. HIV-1 prevalence increased from 0% among 14-year-olds to >45% among women aged 29-31 years, then fell to < 20% among those aged >40 years. In multivariate analyses, prevalence increased with parity, was lower in married women than in single women, divorcees and widows, and higher in women with the lowest incomes and those professing no religion. Adjusted HIV-1 prevalence increased during 1998 and decreased during 1999. Age modified the effects of parity, home ownership and parental education. Among older women, prevalence was greater for women who were not homeowners. Among younger women, prevalence increased with parity and low parental education. None of these factors distinguished women co-infected with HIV-2 from those infected with HIV-1 alone. Prevalent HIV-1 infection is associated with financial insecurity and weak psychosocial support. The ZVITAMBO study apparently spanned the peak of the HIV-1 epidemic among reproductive women in Harare.
机译:对产前妇女的研究是非洲HIV-1患病率数据的主要来源。识别与流行HIV相关的因素对于确定诊断服务和护理很重要。在1997年11月至2000年1月之间,通过对HIV-1和HIV-2有反应性的ELISA对来自津巴布韦哈拉雷的14110名产后妇女进行了检测。通过针对HIV-1和HIV-2的特异性测定确认了一部分阳性样品。得出基线特征并进行建模,以识别流行的HIV感染的危险因素。 HIV-1和HIV-2的患病率分别为32·0%(95%CI 31·2-32·8)和1-3%(95%CI 1·1-1·5)。 4%的HIV-1阳性妇女和99%的HIV-2阳性妇女被共同感染。 HIV-1患病率从14岁的0%上升到29-31岁的女性的> 45%,然后下降到> 40岁的女性的<20%。在多变量分析中,患病率随同性而增加,已婚妇女的患病率低于单身妇女,离婚和寡妇,而收入最低且无宗教信仰的妇女患病率更高。调整后的HIV-1患病率在1998年有所增加,而在1999年则有所下降。在老年妇女中,非房主妇女的患病率更高。在年轻妇女中,患病率随着同等教育和父母教育程度的降低而增加。这些因素中没有一个将共同感染HIV-2的妇女与单独感染HIV-1的妇女区分开。流行的HIV-1感染与财务上的不安全感和弱小的社会心理支持有关。 ZVITAMBO研究显然涵盖了哈拉雷生殖妇女中HIV-1流行的高峰。



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