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Modelling flow to and inundation of the Macquarie Marshes in arid Australia


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Building of dams and subsequent abstraction upstream of rivers significantly affects major wetland systems. Knowledge of anthropogenic impacts of river regulation, relative to stochastic variation, is essential if managers are able to adequately manage flows to wetlands. We built annual flow and inundated area models for the Macquarie Marshes supplied by the Macquarie River, based on available annual rainfall data (1879-2006). We used LOESS, the flexible local polynomial regression method, ideal for modelling complex processes where no theoretical models exist. To compare effects of river regulation and abstraction, we developed two models, before river regulation ('natural' or 'unregulated') and after river regulation ('regulated'). The division was when Burrendong dam, the most significant regulatory structure affecting flows, was built in 1963 and completed in 1967. After this point, water was diverted upstream, predominantly for irrigation. We developed 'natural' and 'regulated' flow models for three flow gauges Dubbo, Warren and Oxley based on annual rainfall at rainfall stations in the upper catchment and flow, and then inundated area models based on flow and local rainfall to fit annual inundated area data (1979-2006) in the Macquarie Marshes, using LOESS and leave-one-out samples without overfitting. We evaluated the performance of the proposed models and used these models to predict annual flows and inundated areas from 1879 to 2006. Comparison was done in terms of 'natural' and 'regulated' data using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, identifying significant reductions in flow and wetland area.
机译:大坝的建造和河流上游的后续抽水极大地影响了主要的湿地系统。如果管理人员能够充分管理流向湿地的流量,则必须了解与随机变化有关的河流调节的人为影响。我们根据可用的年度降雨量数据(1879-2006年)为麦格理河提供的麦格理沼泽建立了年度流量和淹没面积模型。我们使用LOESS(一种灵活的局部多项式回归方法),非常适合对不存在理论模型的复杂过程进行建模。为了比较河流管制和抽象的影响,我们开发了两个模型,分别是河流管制之前(“自然”或“不受管制”)和河流管制之后(“管制”)。当时的划分是在1963年建成Burrendong大坝时,这是影响流量的最重要的监管结构,并于1967年完工。此后,水被转移到上游,主要用于灌溉。我们根据集水区和上游流域降雨站的年降雨量为三个流量表Dubbo,Warren和Oxley开发了“自然”和“调节”流量模型,然后根据流量和当地降雨来确定淹没面积模型,以适应年度淹没面积Macquarie Marshes中的数据(1979-2006年),使用LOESS和一劳永逸的样本而不会过度拟合。我们评估了建议模型的性能,并使用这些模型预测了1879年至2006年的年流量和淹没面积。使用Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验对“自然”数据和“受管制”数据进行了比较,确定了流量和流量的显着减少。湿地面积。



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