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Is There Anything 'Good' about Everglades Restoration?


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The large-scale attempt to restore Florida's Everglades is often presented as a model for future ecological restoration efforts. Aimed at repairing ecological degradation caused by past flood control and public water supply projects, Everglades restoration is characterized by government agencies as evidence of a paradigm shift in resource management practice. While past engineering and resource management efforts of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the South Florida Water Management District (and its predecessor agencies) led to a partly drained and channelized Everglades that decimated wildlife populations, these agencies today promote "ecological restoration" to re-establish ecological processes that were degraded by their previous actions. We assess this Everglades restoration effort, codified in the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, in relation to Eric Higgs' concept of "good restoration." Ecological restoration should, in this conception, be oriented toward a process that promotes a stronger sense of community among humans and non-humans and that prioritizes ecological renewal. Toward that goal, it should emphasize direct public involvement in both project design and implementation as means of promoting healing relations and atonement for past degrading practices. Our assessment of Everglades restoration plans and activities suggests that the effort does not meet the good restoration criteria of "focal practice" and "wild design," which emphasize participatory process aimed at a "re-wilding" of the landscape. We suggest that Everglades restoration is more in line with forms of technological restoration that warrant the label
机译:修复佛罗里达大沼泽地的大规模尝试通常被作为未来生态修复工作的典范。旨在修复过去的防洪和公共供水项目导致的生态退化,政府机构将大沼泽地恢复的特征视为资源管理实践范式转变的证据。尽管美国陆军工程兵团和南佛罗里达水管理区(及其前身的机构)过去在工程和资源管理上的努力导致部分耗竭和渠道化的大沼泽地使野生动植物种群减少,但这些机构如今仍在推动“生态恢复” -建立因先前行动而退化的生态过程。我们根据埃里克·希格斯(Eric Higgs)的“良好修复”概念,评估了在《大沼泽地综合修复计划》中编纂的大沼泽地修复工作。在这种观念下,生态恢复应面向促进人类和非人类之间更强的社区意识并优先进行生态更新的过程。为了实现这一目标,它应强调公众直接参与项目设计和实施,以此作为促进治愈关系和赎罪过去做法的手段。我们对大沼泽地恢复计划和活动的评估表明,该工作不符合“局部实践”和“野生设计”的良好恢复标准,后者强调了旨在“重新野性”景观的参与性过程。我们建议,Everglades的修复更符合需要该标签的技术修复形式



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